question for democrats and liberals

Endless, but let’s just take the last few months, Trump, manipulating his base, promoted a lie, and in the process undermined the very election system upon which our democracy is based, that which separates us from the third world dictatorships. And he did it all for his own personal gain

And from here I know you are now going to tell us, completely ignoring even the decision of Trump’s own personal fixer, that the election was rigged, etc., etc., etc., meaning you’ve drunk the Kool Aid and are incapable of recognizing any facts

You people, along with the media, attacked him from day one of his presidency. You place everyone who voted for him as racist anti-Americans who are manipulated by an "Orange Messiah."
What's this dictator shit? You elect a president who signs 30 EO's in his first month? Threatens banning selective firearms? Imposing restrictions on energy production and transport? Dictator?

Keep in mind that 74 million people voted for Trump. Not even a mentionable fraction were at that protest, and fewer of those who turned violent. Not all of us drink.
People in Idaho, Alabama, Vermont and Wyoming should have a voice in picking Presidents, a representative vote, not a disproportionate say, living on a farm or ranch doesn’t mean you are more of an American than the guy living in city high rise

true, but without the EC only those living in crowded cities would have a voice, because there are so many of them. Its not complicated, the founders got it right, they wanted all citizens to have a say in presidential elections, not just the big cities. It has nothing to do with "being more of an american". nice try though.
they don't hate Trump........they just tried to remove him from office when he wasn't in office to keep him from ever running for office again.......and they had to use fake charges and no evidence to do it and failed.....perfectly rational behavior.....
Always love the “it was all in California,” like people living in California aren’t Americans.

you may actually be showing evidence of understanding.......a good sign.....but do we even know how many people living in California aren't Americans?........I'm sure its way more than 3 million.......
I'm trying to understand the dem/lib inputs on this thread. It seems that their Trump hate is not based on anything but hate. Its not based on accomplishments, or economic results. It seems to be a persona hatred because of the way he talks and the way he calls out the crooked democrats and the lying media. I think they hate him because he has shown them that their ideology is a failure and that their heroes are criminals and con men/women.

If you have ever been to NY, Boston, New Jersey, Rhode Island, etc you would understand that Trump talks like a typical northeastern rich guy. Its just the way they talk, bluster and bravado in public, while in private they are caring and compassionate. Cuomo is another example, but he is on their side so they ignore it.

liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation.
no duh. but the electoral college is antiquated and bad for the country. look just in this century how it screwed this country- gomer bush instead of Gore...and traitor trump instead of hillary.

how can you say that after it has saved the country twice in the last twenty years.........
how can you say that after it has saved the country twice in the last twenty years.........

no, fucked it up. lying iraq invasion, authorized torture, Bush Recession. Trump is a traitor, bribed Ukraine to do him a favor, sucked up to punk ass dictators like putin and little kim and erdogan and the murdering saudi prince, alienated and insulted our allies, and is an immoral, chickenshit bitch who should be in prison.
no, fucked it up. lying iraq invasion, authorized torture, Bush Recession. Trump is a traitor, bribed Ukraine to do him a favor, sucked up to punk ass dictators like putin and little kim and erdogan and the murdering saudi prince, alienated and insulted our allies, and is an immoral, chickenshit bitch who should be in prison.

so tell us, oh wise ass. what exactly would crooked hillary have done differently than Trump. be specific

then tell us exactly what Gore would have done differently than Bush 43. BTW, I think bush 43 sucked, but gore would have been much worse.
It is not hate, hate implies emotion, rather disdain due to his total lack of character and his narcissistic approach to governing which has damaged the country
So you hate, but you don't hate. Gotit.
And by the way, he did not accomplish two thirds of what you listed above,
Trump accomplished every single thing listed.
and there is no sense going into his blunders because surely without proof and employing whataboutisms you will deny they are his fault
So you are going to resort to vague claims of incompetence. YAVAC.
no, fucked it up. lying iraq invasion, authorized torture, Bush Recession. Trump is a traitor, bribed Ukraine to do him a favor, sucked up to punk ass dictators like putin and little kim and erdogan and the murdering saudi prince, alienated and insulted our allies, and is an immoral, chickenshit bitch who should be in prison.

trump is totally different than w. bush.
Truth be told, nobody in their right mind is afraid of Trump, what people are afraid of are Trump supporters....Trump is a coward, a ignorant white man, who for what ever reasons was giving a free pass by the state of NY most of his life to fuck over ppl and the do shit like that to keep revenue dollars pouring into your cities treasury while the guy was hot back in the day. Now they're after his white meat, decades too late. But in all reality, the very ppl that supports Donald Trump, will be the very ppl this coward will fear for the remainder of his lost pathetic life...Karma at its best....when you play with mentally disturbed rednecks expect for the game to get messy someday and it will, sadly for Trump, it will