Endless, but let’s just take the last few months, Trump, manipulating his base, promoted a lie, and in the process undermined the very election system upon which our democracy is based, that which separates us from the third world dictatorships. And he did it all for his own personal gain
And from here I know you are now going to tell us, completely ignoring even the decision of Trump’s own personal fixer, that the election was rigged, etc., etc., etc., meaning you’ve drunk the Kool Aid and are incapable of recognizing any facts
You people, along with the media, attacked him from day one of his presidency. You place everyone who voted for him as racist anti-Americans who are manipulated by an "Orange Messiah."
What's this dictator shit? You elect a president who signs 30 EO's in his first month? Threatens banning selective firearms? Imposing restrictions on energy production and transport? Dictator?
Keep in mind that 74 million people voted for Trump. Not even a mentionable fraction were at that protest, and fewer of those who turned violent. Not all of us drink.