Question for evolutionists

and you are sure he says God made the earth 5779 years ago?......

Nope.. that's what scripture indicates.

Noah lived through 2 generations, the floods generation and the tower of babel.

The flood was in the year 1656 since creation, and Noah and the others left the ark the next year—1657 since creation.

The incident known as the Tower of Babel took place when Noah was 940 years old—in the year 1996 since creation.

This means that there were 339 years between when Noah and the others left the ark and when the Tower of Babel was built.
Nope.. that's what scripture indicates.

no......that doesn't come from comes from a mathematician named Usscher.......nobody pays attention to that except atheists.......they have weird beliefs about biblical literalism.......they ignore what God teaches and concentrate on creating contradictions with faulty translation techniques........
no......that doesn't come from comes from a mathematician named Usscher.......nobody pays attention to that except atheists.......they have weird beliefs about biblical literalism.......they ignore what God teaches and concentrate on creating contradictions with faulty translation techniques........

James Usscher wasn't even born until the 15th century.. The Jews had their calendar LONG before that.
no......that doesn't come from comes from a mathematician named Usscher.......nobody pays attention to that except atheists.......they have weird beliefs about biblical literalism.......they ignore what God teaches and concentrate on creating contradictions with faulty translation techniques........

Nonsense. Ussher was an archbishop and later primate of the Church of Ireland, not a ‘mathematician’, and he derived that date from adding up the ages of the genealogies in the Bible and setting them against a few other known dates from ancient history.

According to a Pew research survey, about half of American Christians take the view that mankind is only a few thousand years old, whether or not they also adopt the view that the earth is also only a few thousand years old. Blaming the atheists for the prevalence of biblical literalism is just silly, and I think shows some serious bigotry and cluelessness on your part.

You’re free to dismiss that kind of literalism if you want to, but if you are unaware of how common it is, you might need to get out more. And if you think only atheists read the text that way, you may need to get out more. Most atheists wouldn’t even care if the young earthers weren’t trying to get their crap taught in biology classes.

I’m also unclear how simply taking the text at its word is a ‘faulty translation technique’, but whatever.

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God rejected Cain's offering of fruits of the earth.. Is that clearer?

no......unless you think the people who believed in God did so by responded by going back to hunting instead of the way, God didn't reject the type of offering, he rejected Cain's indifference regarding the quality of the offering.....

Cain brought "some of the fruits of the land"......Abel brought "fat portions from the first born of the flock".......
Nonsense. Ussher was an archbishop and later primate of the Church of Ireland, not a ‘mathematician’, and he derived that date from adding up the ages of the genealogies in the Bible and setting them against a few other known dates from ancient history.

According to a Pew research survey, about half of American Christians take the view that mankind is only a few thousand years old, whether or not they also adopt the view that the earth is also only a few thousand years old. Blaming the atheists for the prevalence of biblical literalism is just silly, and I think shows some serious bigotry and cluelessness on your part.

You’re free to dismiss that kind of literalism if you want to, but if you are unaware of how common it is, you might need to get out more. And if you think only atheists read the text that way, you may need to get out more. Most atheists wouldn’t even care if the young earthers weren’t trying to get their crap taught in biology classes.

I’m also unclear how simply taking the text at its word is a ‘faulty translation technique’, but whatever.

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He blames Atheists for everything.
b not a ‘mathematician’,

certainly not a very good one.....

about half of American Christians take the view that mankind is only a few thousand years old

not that fucking lie again.......the PEW survey asked people which question came CLOSEST to what they believed........only one question contained the phrase "God created"....and it was chosen by the majority of respondents......I blame atheists for their insistence on biblical literalism and for their patent dishonesty in pretending the PEW survey proves the majority of Christians think mankind is only a few thousand years old.........anyone who actually believes that claim is pathetically ignorant........and anyone who repeats it who does NOT believe it is a dishonest pile of shit.......
certainly not a very good one.....

not that fucking lie again.......the PEW survey asked people which question came CLOSEST to what they believed........only one question contained the phrase "God created"....and it was chosen by the majority of respondents......I blame atheists for their insistence on biblical literalism and for their patent dishonesty in pretending the PEW survey proves the majority of Christians think mankind is only a few thousand years old.........anyone who actually believes that claim is pathetically ignorant........and anyone who repeats it who does NOT believe it is a dishonest pile of shit.......

Bible literalism doesn't come from atheists... Its comes from fundamentalists, evangelicals, dispensationalists, dominionists and Scofield heretics.
if you claim that creation happened 6000 years ago you obviously are.......

I have NEVER claimed that creation happened 6000 years ago.. I said the Jewish calendar year is 5779 since God created the earth. Do you see the damned difference between science and spiritual beliefs and traditions?