Question for evolutionists

What makes anyone assume that the God of Creation is incapable of creating the Universe in 7 days? After All He is the GOD OF CREATION....if we accept one miracle as truth we must accept them all. I challenge anyone to disprove one miracle found in scripture through the scientific Method. GO FOR IT. Strang that "ANYONE" who declares faith in a living God.....would doubt the authority and ability of their declared God. If God is not capable of creating....then what are you really worshiping? A fable? Regardless of your declared religion. If there is no all powerful God...there can be no true religion.

Who was there to witness it? Creation? The only record you have is based upon the witness of the One who did the creating as its impossible for the created to witness events that occurred before they were birthed. Again.....its not a debate about SCIENCE or SUPERSITION, its a debate about reason and logic.

Atheists can argue only in the speculation of theories, conjectures and assumptions that must mold BILLIONS OF YEARS into a shoe horn in order to defend another theory (evolution). In the end.....Real Science is impossible. There was no Observation, No possibility of reproduction and certainly no "consistency" with the theories being tossed around as absolute truth. The earth has aged billions of years in just 50 years....according to the naturalists. That's real CONSISTENCY....and speaks a great deal about the supposed THEORY of RADIO CARBON DATING in the billions of years. Which is true was the earth 1 billion years hold in the 1950s.....or is it over 4 Billion years old in the 21st century? The truth has never changed....the only thing that has changed has been the method sthat man wishes SEARCH for something they will never there has never been a method to calibrate any of the supposed theories. When one wishes to "quantify" must begin with a stable and provable absolute source of calibration. Show me this base of calibration.

Show anyone the calibration quantiying your god.
What makes anyone assume that the God of Creation is incapable of creating the Universe in 7 days? After All He is the GOD OF CREATION....if we accept one miracle as truth we must accept them all. I challenge anyone to disprove one miracle found in scripture through the scientific Method. GO FOR IT. Strang that "ANYONE" who declares faith in a living God.....would doubt the authority and ability of their declared God. If God is not capable of creating....then what are you really worshiping? A fable? Regardless of your declared religion. If there is no all powerful God...there can be no true religion.

Who was there to witness it? Creation? The only record you have is based upon the witness of the One who did the creating as its impossible for the created to witness events that occurred before they were birthed. Again.....its not a debate about SCIENCE or SUPERSITION, its a debate about reason and logic.

Atheists can argue only in the speculation of theories, conjectures and assumptions that must mold BILLIONS OF YEARS into a shoe horn in order to defend another theory (evolution). In the end.....Real Science is impossible. There was no Observation, No possibility of reproduction and certainly no "consistency" with the theories being tossed around as absolute truth. The earth has aged billions of years in just 50 years....according to the naturalists. That's real CONSISTENCY....and speaks a great deal about the supposed THEORY of RADIO CARBON DATING in the billions of years. Which is true was the earth 1 billion years hold in the 1950s.....or is it over 4 Billion years old in the 21st century? The truth has never changed....the only thing that has changed has been the method sthat man wishes SEARCH for something they will never there has never been a method to calibrate any of the supposed theories. When one wishes to "quantify" must begin with a stable and provable absolute source of calibration. Show me this base of calibration.

I always think of the words "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen 1:2)

Human beings obviously have something animals do not... and that must be God, but I don't believe in the supernatural or demons or witches or fortunetellers. I don't believe Jonah was swallowed by a fish or in any global flood... and frankly I find blood sacrifice repulsive. Unless God eats.. Why would innocent blood appease him? I think man wants to understand and has embellished what may be unspoken.

Radio carbon dating is only part of the way the age of things is determined.
To believe in an perceptual reality that relies upon the purposeful suspension of critical thought is simply not something all will abide, regardless of how strenuously a power structure imposes it upon a population.

God probably wouldn't have given us brains if he wanted us to stay stuck in the Bronze Age.
I always think of the words "And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen 1:2)

Human beings obviously have something animals do not... and that must be God, but I don't believe in the supernatural or demons or witches or fortunetellers. I don't believe Jonah was swallowed by a fish or in any global flood... and frankly I find blood sacrifice repulsive. Unless God eats.. Why would innocent blood appease him? I think man wants to understand and has embellished what may be unspoken.

Radio carbon dating is only part of the way the age of things is determined.

The problem with these male dominator god perceptual realities is that they always wind up with hominids who consider themselves nearer to gods themselves (if not actual gods in many instances via actions taken) than all the rest of god's "creation". As in "Human beings obviously have something animals do not... and that must be God, ...". So everything is up for capitalist extraction/exploitation, including the life support system of the planet itself. And then there's the penchant for the evolving of the sentament above into "our religion has something the others do not... and that must be God".
Nope, not my claim at all son. Ever. See your bible. And then God gave Africans the banjo.

Running from you own words again, boy.

I did see the Bible. It doesn't say God created the world in 7 days. That was your claim.

God must have known white people would have had to take what blacks could only do up to a below average level. Agree?
Floods leave a footprint..

Floods have no feet.

Venice floods quite often. The city hasn't been destroyed yet!
Port Royal has been underwater for many years. It's still there. It's a popular diving spot now. There are several such underwater cities. They are all not only recognizable cities, they are in remarkably good shape.

The Great Flood, according to the Bible lasted only 40 days.
Do you really believe that blood flow is the only circulation?

This is the one that was questioned about. It is not discussing any other circulatory system, such as the lymphatic system. The question was specifically about blood and circulatory systems.
You think Moses was being tricky when he wrote "And there was evening, and there was morning" all thru Genesis chapter 1?

No, he was describing a 'day'. In the Hebrew language, a 'day' can be any unit of time, not necessarily an actual length of a single day on Earth.
After observing the thread for a day, numerous posts were made about every subject except the original one, most trying to prove a religion.

I can only assume that this is the desired subject of this thread after all. So be it. The original question that started this thread has effectively been abandoned.

Trying to prove a religion (whether it's Christianity, the Church of Atheism, the Church of Evolution, or the Church of Abiogenesis), is a circular argument fallacy. It is fundamentalism.
No, he was describing a 'day'. In the Hebrew language, a 'day' can be any unit of time, not necessarily an actual length of a single day on Earth.


I just love how you thumpers suspend reality to fit your narrative. It really is an amazing thing to watch.

A day is not a day.
Noah lived 900 years
Virgin birth
Pillars of salt
A big boat containing all the animals in the world