Question for evolutionists

I'm a she..
Ok. I'll try to remember that. The use of 'he' is also a generic (neuter) form.
and CFM is stalking me and demanding that I give him my name and post photos of my life..
No one is stalking you. Paranoia.
If YOU had read the Bible at all you would have picked up the rudimentary fact that Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms for MOST of their history and had different creation myths.
Separate states of the same people. Judah IS Israel.

The Theory of Creation is not a myth. It is a theory. It is a nonscientific theory. It is not falsifiable.

It is not possible to prove whether any god or gods exist. It is not possible to prove no god or gods exist. Your own atheism is a religion just as surely as Christianity is a religion.
Ok. I'll try to remember that. The use of 'he' is also a generic (neuter) form.

No one is stalking you. Paranoia.

Separate states of the same people. Judah IS Israel.

The Theory of Creation is not a myth. It is a theory. It is a nonscientific theory. It is not falsifiable.

It is not possible to prove whether any god or gods exist. It is not possible to prove no god or gods exist. Your own atheism is a religion just as surely as Christianity is a religion.

The creation story is didactic literature.. Its not science or history or "theory".
He has shown that he does not understand most of the Bible. I don't believe his claim that he read it.

He's shown he doesn't understand most things.

He may have read it. However, if one does so with a secular mindset, they'll never get the full meaning or understanding of what it says.
He seems to be very strange...first posting the claim, then denying he posted it, then posting the claim again, then denying it again, etc.

He won't stand behind what he says. Often, he'll post sources that try to back up what he supports then run from it being his using the excuse of he didn't write it.
He won't stand behind what he says. Often, he'll post sources that try to back up what he supports then run from it being his using the excuse of he didn't write it.

Can't you always just type "nigger" and hide from objective reality?
I'm a she.. and CFM is stalking me and demanding that I give him my name and post photos of my life..

If YOU had read the Bible at all you would have picked up the rudimentary fact that Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms for MOST of their history and had different creation myths.

This cabal has no interest in anything other than derailing conversation.
I'm a she.. and CFM is stalking me and demanding that I give him my name and post photos of my life..

If YOU had read the Bible at all you would have picked up the rudimentary fact that Israel and Judah were separate kingdoms for MOST of their history and had different creation myths.

No such demand has been made. All I ask for is proof of your claims. You pick what you think will suffice as long as it's verifiable. However, if you choose to send something, send two. One to shit on and one to cover it up with.

Stop pretending to be a religious expert and get back to the Kingdom Hall with your fellow Jehovah's Witnesses.
He's shown he doesn't understand most things.

He may have read it. However, if one does so with a secular mindset, they'll never get the full meaning or understanding of what it says.
Neither do you by your hateful posts to people and like the people in Jesus proverbs, you miss the keys to the Kingdom.
Neither do you by your hateful posts to people and like the people in Jesus proverbs, you miss the keys to the Kingdom.

Nothing hateful about what I post unless you think the truth is hateful. Typical left winger that equates not liking something with being hateful.