Question for evolutionists

It's truth. Have you seen the version the black BOYS created? Have you seen the versions white MEN developed? You disagree, therefore, you call it hate.
Ignorance, pure ignorance, that is all racists opinons are based upon.
The link shows a sub par version created by sub standard people. Not a single thing they created looks like the one in my avatar that white people developed.

Henry Ford's model T didn't look like cars today, no one gives a fuck about your avatar shoog.
The link shows a sub par version created by sub standard people. Not a single thing they created looks like the one in my avatar that white people developed.
You are an example of low IQ white people. I doubt there is anything noteworthy that you have created, other than an overblown opinion of yourself.
Floundering fodder ancestors bitch, man you're dumb as fuck, ask Santa for a GED next year.

My ancestors didn't own slaves. Even then they could figure out the descendants of slaves 150 year or more later would blame something they never were for their failures.
No such demand has been made. All I ask for is proof of your claims. You pick what you think will suffice as long as it's verifiable. However, if you choose to send something, send two. One to shit on and one to cover it up with.

Stop pretending to be a religious expert and get back to the Kingdom Hall with your fellow Jehovah's Witnesses.

I don't like JW and I have NEVER been to one of their services.
Ok. I'll try to remember that. The use of 'he' is also a generic (neuter) form.

No one is stalking you. Paranoia.

Separate states of the same people. Judah IS Israel.

The Theory of Creation is not a myth. It is a theory. It is a nonscientific theory. It is not falsifiable.

It is not possible to prove whether any god or gods exist. It is not possible to prove no god or gods exist. Your own atheism is a religion just as surely as Christianity is a religion.

“Theory of Creation”. :lolup::rofl2:
They are always the same regardless of skin color.. These guys like CFM are hateful, ignorant losers. Pick a color.. any color.. and they share the same traits.
It is an inferiority thing as Fentoine suggested. These types of mental defects need to put others down to feel better about themselves. It is fed by ignorance.
It is an inferiority thing as Fentoine suggested. These types of mental defects need to put others down to feel better about themselves. It is fed by ignorance.

So your hubby is feeling inferior and ignorant, when he refers to Asians as "gooks"!!

When are you putting him down?? :laugh:
It is an inferiority thing as Fentoine suggested. These types of mental defects need to put others down to feel better about themselves. It is fed by ignorance.

People with low self esteem.. those who lack confidence .. those who are insecure can be awfully mean and dangerous.