And where would the crime be if we had no gun control laws ? Ie selling pistols to 12 yr olds, etc. Selling pistols in liquor stores, etc... allowing anyone to carry a concealed weapon, own fully automatic weapons and carry them around ?
yeah I guess you are right gun control laws do not work
So, tell me where we would be under such conditions. Would violent crime be higher? Would chaos reign?
Who is more likely to be carrying a concealed weapon today: an ordinary citizen, or a criminal? Who is more likely to have fully automatic weapon? A NY business man, or a NY gang banger?
Damned right gun control does not work, because the only ones obeying the gun control laws are the ones who should not be prevented from carrying in the first place.
There was a time when people could carry what they wanted. There was a time when one could purchase guns mail order, or in the drug store. There was a time when a 12 year old boy who did NOT know how to properly handle a weapon and shoot accurately was far less common than those who did know.
Violent crime over all was far lower in those days. Even at the height of the beer wars during prohibition, overall violence was lower. During prohibition there was a lot of violence in concentrated areas, but even that was not as bad as we see in certain areas today.
Fully automatic weapons were outlawed in response to violence caused by organized crime centered around illegal sale of alcohol. It was the criminal element, not the weapons, causing the violence, but like today the braindead made a "feel good" law, and an equally braindead SCOTUS came up with the ridiculous argument that certain weapons were not meant to be included under the 2nd amendment.
Automatic weapons were taken away from law abiding citizens, but were retained by criminals. It was not until the beer wars were ended by the end of prohibition that the violence died down. Removing the weapons from honest citizens made no difference then, and it makes no difference now.