Question for our gun enthusiast friends.

The problem is with your imagination. I never mentioned the "welfare clause,"
Yes you did, liar.
I don't want to make any changes in the 2nd Amendment.
Yes you did, liar.
I did discuss the 1st Amendment and function of the courts in practice, but just to explain your misconceptions.
You attempted to change this amendment also, liar.

You want to create fascism by oligarchy using the courts.
Yes you did, liar.

Yes you did, liar.

You attempted to change this amendment also, liar.

You want to create fascism by oligarchy using the courts.

I was simply trying to correct your wildly distorted and incorrect views of the Constitution.

Trying to create fascism is above my pay grade.
I was simply trying to correct your wildly distorted and incorrect views of the Constitution.

Trying to create fascism is above my pay grade.

It is YOU that denies the Constitution. It is YOU that is placing the courts ABOVE the Constitution of the United States as supreme law of the land.

You want to create fascism by oligarchy using the courts.
It is YOU that denies the Constitution. It is YOU that is placing the courts ABOVE the Constitution of the United States as supreme law of the land.

You want to create fascism by oligarchy using the courts.

You are reading what you want to in my posts---not based on anything I ever said. You are arguing against a straw man.
Banning guns is unconstitutional. Not pointless. Attempted bans fail because there is no consequence.

Makes the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution pointless doesn't it?

When the Constitution was written, our civilians (THE PEOPLE) were the Militia! That has not been the case since the Revolutionary war!

Let me tell you idiots something- YOU ARE NOT AMERICA'S MILITIA- With or without guns.

Our Armed services of the Army, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard is America's militia, and they are doing a stand-up job WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING HELP!

Fucking idiots for even thinking that the militia applies to you!

Makes the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution pointless doesn't it?

When the Constitution was written, our civilians (THE PEOPLE) were the Militia! That has not been the case since the Revolutionary war!

Let me tell you idiots something- YOU ARE NOT AMERICA'S MILITIA- With or without guns.

Our Armed services of the Army, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard is America's militia, and they are doing a stand-up job WITHOUT YOUR FUCKING HELP!

Fucking idiots for even thinking that the militia applies to you!


Thats not the point of the 2nd.
You withdrew your arguments. Are you attempting to make them again?

I never withdrew my arguments. I said "You are reading what you want to in my posts---not based on anything I ever said. You are arguing against a straw man."

Because you read stuff into my posts I did not say (I want a fascist government run by the courts) does my mean I am withdrawing any actual points I made.
We're listening???????????????????????????????????

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No where is it mentioned that the "people" are required to currently belong to a militia; but instead it implies that WE ARE THE MILITIA.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

No where is it mentioned that the "people" are required to currently belong to a militia; but instead it implies that WE ARE THE MILITIA.

You are living in the Stone Age!

You are not now, nor have you ever been a part of the militia- unless you served your country.

And if you did, the service took away your service weapons away from you before they let you out!

Stupid man thinks he is part of some militia because he totes his gun around!

You are living in the Stone Age!

You are not now, nor have you ever been a part of the militia- unless you served your country.

And if you did, the service took away your service weapons away from you before they let you out!

Stupid man thinks he is part of some militia!

Care to show where the citizens of the US aren't the militia??

You are living in the Stone Age!

You are not now, nor have you ever been a part of the militia- unless you served your country.

And if you did, the service took away your service weapons away from you before they let you out!

Stupid man thinks he is part of some militia because he totes his gun around!


How come I own 4 military issued firearms?

Some time back you asked for a reasonable discussion without any insults. I responded respectfully and you ran off.
Now, you can go fuck yourself. If you don't like that I own what I own come and take them. Come around 3:30 AM, I'll let the door open for you, asshole.
How come I own 4 military issued firearms?

Some time back you asked for a reasonable discussion without any insults. I responded respectfully and you ran off.
Now, you can go fuck yourself. If you don't like that I own what I own come and take them. Come around 3:30 AM, I'll let the door open for you, asshole.

Probably because you illegally obtained them!

I don't run off- I actually have a life outside of this forum.

I don't want to take your playtoys away dude!

Please, just don't shoot up a Kindergarten or C & W outdoor concert or high school with them, OK?
Probably because you illegally obtained them!

I don't run off- I actually have a life outside of this forum.

I don't want to take your playtoys away dude!

Please, just don't shoot up a Kindergarten or C & W outdoor concert or high school with them, OK?

I bought them from the Army.

You're here more than I.

I don't consider them toys.

What makes you think I'd do something like that?