Which reinforces my position, I deem. Most will, if asked.Well, when my wife interviewed her OB/GYN in Florida, she specifically asked the doctor if he/she performed abortions. The first ones that she spoke to said yes. My wife moved on to the next until we found one who said he did not. He is still her doctor and the doctor of several other people whom we know.
I agree that most will. My statement was that there are many that will not and they deserve to be in a separate category, IMO.Which reinforces my position, I deem. Most will, if asked.
Which reinforces my position, I deem. Most will, if asked.
I'm willing to bet that at least 50% of those who will self-identify as Christian also.I wasn't agruing against you. Just pointing out my experience.
Heck, it is even possible, that my wife's doctor would if asked. He's a Christian and told her that he did not, but that does not mean he is always 100% honest. To date we have no evidence that he lied and prefer to keep it that way.
I know you're not. I'm trying to change the subject again.Were I in that arena I would not. I am not a Christian.
I'm willing to bet that at least 50% of those who will self-identify as Christian also.
Then again if my side would attempt to show some of the compassion that they so frequently claim and stop working against your side's efforts to help the woman involved in a crisis pregnancy... oh well, we're doomed.
What are you talking about?
Is what I wrote that hard to understand?
If Pro-lifers would put their money where their mouths are, and if they would show compassion to unwed mothers we could possibly come to a compromise that might lead to a vastly reduced number of abortions.
Yeah - well a good start would be begin adopting children OF ALL RACES, at least then you're side will seem a little less disingenous and perhaps you can ween some of those on the other side of the spectrum to your side and they will not take your sanctimonius rants as empty rhetoric. But that ain't gonna happen.
Why are you attacking me?
I'm not attacking. I'm merely pointing out that if the anti-choisers were genuinely concerned with welfare and livelihood of these children as they pretend to be there would be no children in orphanages and that its no secret that minority children are in much less deman than white children for adoption. There's a huge opportunity for you guys to show the world you're not disingenuine.
Neither is carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term always feasible.Sorry, but your solution is not always feasible.
Sorry, but your solution is not always feasible.
I find it funny though how your side believes that it is the requirement of the other side to jump through hoops while your side will not do anything to bring about a compromise. I guess your side thinks they have the high road and don't need to compromise.
Neither is carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term always feasible.
You're the ones actively trying to interfere with people's lives. We are simply saying the gov't should stay out of it. Pro-choicers "comprise" is free will, anti-choicers are the one's actively trying to impede on that free will. And lets be clear: its the anti-choicers that want other people to jump through hoops to live by a set of ethical standards that they believe in. I'm simply sayingut your money where you mouth is.