Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?
If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?
It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?
In the case of rape, the womans right to choose whether or not to have sex and her right to choose whether or not to use protection is violated. You thus end up with a choice between two unethical outcomes. While I would make the case that the baby is not at fault, you cannot force a woman to carry a child that she had no choice in conceiving. It is unethical and immoral to do so. Likewise, it is unethical and immoral to support the option of taking the the life of the child. There is no 'right' answer.
Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?
No... again, it is a choice between two vile outcomes. There is no third 'good' option. Which is precisely why the pro-abortionists latch on to your type of argument. Either way, they can bash pro-life people. If a pro-lifer says 'I do not support any abortion', then the pro-abortionists scream 'you would force a rape victim to carry to term a reminder of her rape!!!'. If a pro-lifer says 'in the case of rape, the mother should be able to choose', then the pro-abortionists state as you did 'but why is the life not important to you now???'.
The vast majority of abortions are done for convenience. Those should be eliminated completely. The right to life trumps the inconvenience of taking responsibility for choices made.
In the case where the life of the mother is in danger... you have LIFE vs. LIFE... a choice has to be made or you could risk losing both lives.
In the case of rape resulting in pregnancy, there is no ethical or moral outcome.