Question for Pro Lifers

Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.
I don't. In the case of rape, the victim should be encouraged to have the young one and give him or her up for adoption if she doesn't want to keep him. Why destroy a life while living with the memory of the rape? Murdering the unborn isn't going to erase that memory.

In the case of incest, go ahead and have the child. I'd like to see even the most sensitive and enlightened of Democrats explain to a child that he or she would've been better off in the shitcan.
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How does an abortion make a women feel better about being raped? Has Darla been raped and forced to carry the baby? Does she know from personal experience? I mean has Darla ever been raped? The way she talks about it you would think she has. Or did she just get drunk one night and throw out some pussy and have to do the walk of shame back to her dorm and then instead of facing the fact that she was a dirty whore she concocted a rape fantasy?
Seems reasonable. I know of a girl who was the daughter of conservative pro life Christian parents who had three by the time she was thirteen. Only seventeen more to go for that kid!

The family that preys on one another lies to everyone else, I expect.
Why do you always issue the caveat that you oppose all abortions except in the cases of incest or rape?

If you truly believe the fetus is a human life with all the rights associated with a human life, then why allow this exemption?

It's not the child's fault that it is a rape baby, or an incest baby. So why would you be willing to condemn it for something beyond it's control?

Is it your belief that the condition of the mother in these circumstances trumps the sanctity of the baby's life?

Why are the mothers conditions feelings able to trump the sacred life in one circumstance, but not another?

Seems like an inconsistent viewpoint imo.
Why stop there Skidmark? Most of the so called "pro-life" people are anti-life once someone is born. They oppose any assistance to mothers with children, they oppose providing pre-natal care, are pro war, even immoral wars like Iraq and Vietnam. Most are pro-death penalty. They often oppose a decent education for the same children who's lives they want to protect from abortion. Why not point out all of their hypocrisy?
I oppose all abortions but my wife has never had one and until there’s a constitutional amendment to protect the life of the unborn I don’t want the feds involved in the abortion issue. If there is any authority over abortions, it’s surely at the State level in my opinion.

I don’t have to be pro-government authoritarian to be pro-life. I’m pro-life but the government is the last place I expect to conduct moral competency. The very issue you propose is why government needs to butt out. The “equality” government pretends to protect is seldom equal and most often terribly biased and often idiotic.

Since I do believe there is a God, I have no reservations that God will take care of the abortion issue. I think Democrats & Republicans have much, much more to worry about that God will expect answers for than just abortion like those unnecessary unconstitutional wars and those abortions and mass killings thereof, don’t you?
Yea! That's a rational solution! Fuck government! God will figure it out! :rolleyes:
Why stop there Skidmark? Most of the so called "pro-life" people are anti-life once someone is born. They oppose any assistance to mothers with children, they oppose providing pre-natal care, are pro war, even immoral wars like Iraq and Vietnam. Most are pro-death penalty. They often oppose a decent education for the same children who's lives they want to protect from abortion. Why not point out all of their hypocrisy?

And this pretty much is why I left the republican party about ten years ago and have become progressively more liberal ever since. I just couldn't stand the contradiction any more.
Yea! That's a rational solution! Fuck government! God will figure it out! :rolleyes:

...Which is why I no longer attend a traditional conservative evangelical church. God, were he to exist IMHO is much more interested in us growing up and taking responsibility for ourselves than acting like a nanny taking care of spoiled children.
Why stop there Skidmark? Most of the so called "pro-life" people are anti-life once someone is born. They oppose any assistance to mothers with children, they oppose providing pre-natal care, are pro war, even immoral wars like Iraq and Vietnam. Most are pro-death penalty. They often oppose a decent education for the same children who's lives they want to protect from abortion. Why not point out all of their hypocrisy?
odd comment, given that none of it is true......Desh isn't going to like you posting things that aren't true.......