Question for socialist supporters aka democrats

The Nordic countries are capitalistic. The people work, change jobs if they want, and live as we do. Go to the Ikea store. Buy a Volvo. The difference is they have universal health care and a better safety net. Socialism is a label that rightys affix to any program that helps the masses instead of the top 10 percent. It is a misuse of the term. But rightys are emotionally triggered by it.

I'll ask you the same question I asked the other poster are you willing to tell Americans who make more than 50k a year they will have to pay a 60% tax on that income and a 25% value added tax to get "universal healthcare and a safety net" because that's how they accomplish that in those nordic countries.
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The Nordic countries are capitalistic. The people work, change jobs if they want, and live as we do. Go to the Ikea store. Buy a Volvo. The difference is they have universal health care and a better safety net. Socialism is a label that rightys affix to any program that helps the masses instead of the top 10 percent. It is a misuse of the term. But rightys are emotionally triggered by it.

It's crazy how right-wingers have been absolutely convinced to vote against their interests. They honestly believe that unions and social programs are bad.
It's crazy how right-wingers have been absolutely convinced to vote against their interests. They honestly believe that unions and social programs are bad.

How do those nordic countries accomplish the Nirvana you aren't so anxious to inhabit?
Where did I deny that? The question remains, which you are avoiding is, are you prepared to tell people making more than $50,000 that they will have to pay 60% of their income and a 25% value added tax to achieve that "highest standard of living..."? Yes or No? Simple question simple answer. Now answer it.

Lousy question, in those countries salaries are far higher than here, to offset higher taxes.
Lousy question, in those countries salaries are far higher than here, to offset higher taxes.

Again they are still required to pay 60% of their income plus a 25% value added tax on all purchases. It doesn't matter how much you get paid the govt is still taking 60% of their income. The $50,000 represents the US equivalent of 1.5 times the avg salary which is how the Nordic countries decide what will he paid. The left in the US has opposed a flat tax for DECADES but now you're for it? Stop talking stupid please.
If socialism is so great why do millions of Hispanics come here and not to the workers paradise in Venezuela and Cuba ? They are even closer in most cases .

Socialism isn't a form of government. Social security, the VA Administration, Medicare, and unemployment insurance are all forms of socialism that exist in our own government, such as it is.

Some people try to come here as refugees to escape government persecution or gang violence, in most instances believing that our government and society are a hell of a lot more benign that they actually are.
If they had access to Sweden, they sure the fuck wouldn't come here.
If I had access to Sweden, I don't think that I'd be here. And I fucking hate snow.

I don't, so I have to line up on the side of those who want to salvage something out of our fucking mess by advancing the necessary changes.
Again they are still required to pay 60% of their income plus a 25% value added tax on all purchases. It doesn't matter how much you get paid the govt is still taking 60% of their income. The $50,000 represents the US equivalent of 1.5 times the avg salary which is how the Nordic countries decide what will he paid. The left in the US has opposed a flat tax for DECADES but now you're for it? Stop talking stupid please.

They are NOT paying 60%
Yes they are and a 25% value added tax on all purchases.


Top personal income tax rates are rather high in Scandinavian countries, except in Norway. Denmark's top statutory personal income tax rate is 55.9 percent, Norway's is 38.2 percent, and Sweden's is 52.2 percent.

These are the highest tax brackets, for those with the largest income.
You can pay for absolutely required services with your tax money
or pay for them with discretionary spending on your own
and get half as much while the rest of your expenditure goes to corporate oligarchs.

Top personal income tax rates are rather high in Scandinavian countries, except in Norway. Denmark's top statutory personal income tax rate is 55.9 percent, Norway's is 38.2 percent, and Sweden's is 52.2 percent.

These are the highest tax brackets, for those with the largest income.

Bullshit. 60% and everyone making 1.5 times the avg salary pays that 60%. Plus a value added tax of 25% on all purchases. You fucking idiots think you will build this fantasy nivana of yours on the backs of the "rich". News flash Dumbo...there aren't enough rich people for that you asshole. Everybody is paying taxes in those country arenl you going to tell the 50% of Americans who don't pay federal income tax now that they will have to start paying thanks to you leftist cum stains?
Bullshit. 60% and everyone making 1.5 times the avg salary pays that 60%. Plus a value added tax of 25% on all purchases. You fucking idiots think you will build this fantasy nivana of yours on the backs of the "rich". News flash Dumbo...there aren't enough rich people for that you asshole. Everybody is paying taxes in those country arenl you going to tell the 50% of Americans who don't pay federal income tax now that they will have to start paying thanks to you leftist cum stains?

everyone making 1.5 times the avg salary pays that 60%. Plus a value added tax of 25% on all purchases.

Got some proof of that my dear? I am afraid you are as fulloff shit as always.
I asked you a question. If you can't answer I won't think less of you. It's not possible

Apparently you have no clue that a question can contain the answer you are looking for. I guess I'll have to make it more simple for you.

Corruption in the government and the police, drugs, drug cartels and their wars, forcing people to be mules and so on.
Apparently you have no clue that a question can contain the answer you are looking for. I guess I'll have to make it more simple for you.

Corruption in the government and the police, drugs, drug cartels and their wars, forcing people to be mules and so on.

That's how idiotic some leftists are. Now to your question inner cities are fucked up because they are run by democrats. They are fucking shit holes that people are abadoning in droves.
That's how idiotic some leftists are. Now to your question inner cities are fucked up because they are run by democrats. They are fucking shit holes that people are abadoning in droves.

:palm: I should have known not to ask you that question because you truly cannot debate properly.

Now do you understand that the mess in Venezuela has nothing to do with socialism?