Question for the forum: Can the government "create jobs"?

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the government can create all kinds of jobs. the problem is that the private sector has to pay for them which is not conducive to reducing the deficit or government spending, which in turn keeps unemployment at a high level.
Allow me to repeat, please.

I suppose I really have three questions, in the end:

1. Should the government guarantee economic prosperity, and if so,
2. Can the government accomplish it, and if so,
3. How?
Where is NASA in Article I Section 8?

With regards to who built the vehicle that brought man to the moon and back:

And Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation built the lunar module.

Oh yea, our founding fathers forgot to add space travel to the Constitution. How dumb of them.

DY is a prime example of: the only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.
Allow me to repeat, please.

I suppose I really have three questions, in the end:

1. Should the government guarantee economic prosperity, and if so,
2. Can the government accomplish it, and if so,
3. How?

Let's hear some of your ideas.
Let's hear some of your ideas.

The federal government seems to me to have steadily encroached upon the rights and responsibilities of the states and citizens.

Some good points to consider are at

If the government could've "fixed" the economy, I suspect it would have.

I'm not convinced the government should or could control economic factors to the degree many people expect.
Absolutely. Government create jobs in the public sector, which are not outsourced, and very few private sectors jobs are created without government activity, either through patent protection, investment in R&R or regulation to create a level playing field. Here is a FACT that must not be forgotten; the entity and vehicle our founding fathers created to protect the lives and well being of We, the People and to address our needs and problems is a GOVERNMENT...OF the people, BY the people and FOR the people.

The problem today is we needed an FDR, and we got Herbert Hoover instead...

Today you got a socialist that would rather hand out 2 years of unemployment payments to sit at home on your ass watching The View.....hardly Hoover....

During the Great Depression, government took the a necessary step of creating temporary jobs programs via the Works Progress Administration (WPA) or Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), and other popular New Deal workfare programs

Let us reflect, for a moment, on what the men and women employed by those programs achieved (aside from earning cash to buy food and pay for shelter, of course). In his paper, "Time for a New, New Deal," Marshall Auerback (pointed to by economist James Galbraith) summarizes:

The government hired about 60 per cent of the unemployed in public works and conservation projects that planted a billion trees, saved the whooping crane, modernized rural America, and built such diverse projects as the Cathedral of Learning in Pittsburgh, the Montana state capitol, much of the Chicago lakefront, New York's Lincoln Tunnel and Triborough Bridge complex, the Tennessee Valley Authority and the aircraft carriers Enterprise and Yorktown.

It also built or renovated 2,500 hospitals, 45,000 schools, 13,000 parks and playgrounds, 7,800 bridges, 700,000 miles of roads, and a thousand airfields. And it employed 50,000 teachers, rebuilt the country's entire rural school system, and hired 3,000 writers, musicians, sculptors and painters, including Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pollock.

In other words, millions of men and women earned a living wage and self-respect and contributed mightily to the national infrastructure. ref.

I'm not sure that's fair or entirely accurate.

While it's true that the employment situation isn't as good as it was in the past, it seems to me as though no politician has the answer, perhaps because there isn't one.
I'm not sure that's fair or entirely accurate.

While it's true that the employment situation isn't as good as it was in the past, it seems to me as though no politician has the answer, perhaps because there isn't one.
Thats true,...politicans don't have the answer.....Government does not create jobs in a very real sense, except when government grows and expands....then its at the cost of higher taxes and less for the majority of the people ..... its akin to a ponsey scheme...
Government, in order to exist and support itself means less for those it governs....

In reality, government does more to kill jobs .....especially through its incessant attempts at social engineering...
Oh yea, our founding fathers forgot to add space travel to the Constitution. How dumb of them.

DY is a prime example of: the only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

Actually, the Founders created an amendment process to take care of any technological changes. If enough people think NASA is necessary, then it can be a legitimate function of the federal government.
Oh yea, our founding fathers forgot to add space travel to the Constitution. How dumb of them.

DY is a prime example of: the only enemies of the Constitution are those who try to wield it as a weapon against the living, by using the words of the dead.

your error lies in thinking that todays words of the living are better suited to protect freedom than the words of the dead. Todays living words are constantly trying to carve away the freedoms that the words of the dead guaranteed.
The federal government seems to me to have steadily encroached upon the rights and responsibilities of the states and citizens.

Some good points to consider are at

If the government could've "fixed" the economy, I suspect it would have.

I'm not convinced the government should or could control economic factors to the degree many people expect.

Interesting article.

Check this out, it may explain what has transpired...
The federal government seems to me to have steadily encroached upon the rights and responsibilities of the states and citizens.

Some good points to consider are at

If the government could've "fixed" the economy, I suspect it would have.

If the government had the will to fix the economy they would have.

There is a ton of money being made in this "bad" economy by some people, people who don't happen to care what the un-employment level is.

These are the people who financed the tea party, whose candidates now do their bidding, serving 1% of the population at the expence of the other 99%.

These are the people who brought you the TARP, who created the housing bubble, then popped it, who get trained by GoldMan Sachs then work at the FED, whose standard of living is so high that food or energy prices could increase 100 fold without inconveinencing them.

The world is their oyster right now, wages are down, workers are plentiful, unions are precarious, Rush is accepted as authority and a de-facto party leader, mouth breathers such as Hannity and Beck are accorded respect and attention, and single issue voters abound.

As to your other question, about government responsibility, no, the government is not responsible for your comfort, however, those we elect to serve and reprent us, the voters; do have a responsibility do as much as humanely possible to give the population as a whole, the highest standard of life possible. Right now, that is not what they are doing.
Thats true,...politicans don't have the answer.....Government does not create jobs in a very real sense, except when government grows and expands....then its at the cost of higher taxes and less for the majority of the people ..... its akin to a ponsey scheme...
Government, in order to exist and support itself means less for those it governs....

In reality, government does more to kill jobs .....especially through its incessant attempts at social engineering...

If the private sector is the panacea, WHAT is stopping them from creating jobs?
Question for the forum: Can the government "create jobs"?

Long answer, and short answer... Short answer: YES. The government can create a certain number of public sector jobs. The problem is, they can't create enough public sector jobs to compensate for the loss of private sector jobs in the same time frame. It is a completely ineffective way to decrease unemployment in America.

Long Answer: NO. The government can't create sufficient jobs, regardless of how much they try. Even during the Great Depression with the WPA programs, we were at 20% unemployment, and the economy didn't start to rebound until measures were taken to free capital for investment and economic growth. The BEST thing the government can do, is get out of the way. Stop impeding capitalism, stop harnessing economic growth, and let the American free enterprise spirit work, as it always will, to bring back jobs and prosperity for all.

Long answer, and short answer... Short answer: YES. The government can create a certain number of public sector jobs. The problem is, they can't create enough public sector jobs to compensate for the loss of private sector jobs in the same time frame. It is a completely ineffective way to decrease unemployment in America.

Long Answer: NO. The government can't create sufficient jobs, regardless of how much they try. Even during the Great Depression with the WPA programs, we were at 20% unemployment, and the economy didn't start to rebound until measures were taken to free capital for investment and economic growth. The BEST thing the government can do, is get out of the way. Stop impeding capitalism, stop harnessing economic growth, and let the American free enterprise spirit work, as it always will, to bring back jobs and prosperity for all.

Some of that sounds good. Is removing all regulatory oversight advisable?
How can the government facilitate the creation of jobs by private enterprise in the face of a global recession and competition from Asia?
How can the government facilitate the creation of jobs by private enterprise in the face of a global recession and competition from Asia?

Reduce the corporate tax rates, or get rid of them completely, for corporations who provide jobs in America. Reduce or eliminate Capital Gains tax, so that people who have the wealth, will use it as venture capital, or expansion and growth. And as much flack as it will catch, we have to do something about collective bargaining in organized labor. This, more than anything, is what is killing us in competing with low-wage Asian nations, and the impetus behind the bulk of outsourcing. While we can't very well start paying union workers 25 cents a day like the typical Asian, we can reel in the massive benefits packages and costs associated with labor, and come up with something reasonable and realistic. From there, we can establish tariffs and surcharges, and help to 'even the field' even more, but until we can get in the same ballpark, we can't really compete or expect to compete with the Asians.
OF course the government can create jobs. They do it all the time. Either through direct hire or through giving government contracts to private corporations.