Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
Reduce the corporate tax rates, or get rid of them completely, for corporations who provide jobs in America. Reduce or eliminate Capital Gains tax, so that people who have the wealth, will use it as venture capital, or expansion and growth. And as much flack as it will catch, we have to do something about collective bargaining in organized labor. This, more than anything, is what is killing us in competing with low-wage Asian nations, and the impetus behind the bulk of outsourcing. While we can't very well start paying union workers 25 cents a day like the typical Asian, we can reel in the massive benefits packages and costs associated with labor, and come up with something reasonable and realistic. From there, we can establish tariffs and surcharges, and help to 'even the field' even more, but until we can get in the same ballpark, we can't really compete or expect to compete with the Asians.
But really it's allowing slave labor from totalitarian nations into the labor pool and lopsided trade policies due to globalization stupidity which are ruining the lives of free individuals all around the globe. And you love it for some odd reason. Why are you an immoral internationalist fascist?