question for thoes who hate bush


a member named bob
whats more important too you ?

a: getting bush out of office in any way.


b: winning the war in iraq
We have been told many times by this administration that we had won the war in Iraq, are you saying that we did not win the war in Iraq?

What IS A WIN for the war in Iraq in your opinion and then maybe I can answer the question better.
We have been told many times by this administration that we had won the war in Iraq, are you saying that we did not win the war in Iraq?

What IS A WIN for the war in Iraq in your opinion and then maybe I can answer the question better.

ok ill change it..

B: winning the war on terror
winning the war on terror.
and one step in that process is to get Bush and his cronies out of there, because they have boosted terror, not diminshed it.
winning the war on terror.
and one step in that process is to get Bush and his cronies out of there, because they have boosted terror, not diminshed it.


If a dude drives you into a ditch, first thing you do is take the car keys away from him.
ok... another question...

what would you impeach bush for ? what missdeed or missdeed's would you use too impeech him ?
But the Bush way is to stay the course and pour the gas to it spinning in the ditch till the engine blows and the car burns up.

what if its the passenger that tries to grab the wheel causing the car to hit the ditch ?
hey you walk to school or carry your lunch?

what is more important to you? eating or sleeping

if you were forced to kill one of your two children, which one would you chose?

give me a minute, and I'll think of other equally stupid analogies
ok... another question...

what would you impeach bush for ? what missdeed or missdeed's would you use too impeech him ?

I dont know for sure yet, maybe nuthing... But there have been no true investigations into many things he has done that may be crimes, because of the Republican control of the house. If there is a Democratic house or sennat, I suspect that there will be lots of investigations and IF any of those investigations turn up evidence that the president committed any crimes, Ill be for impeachemtn.

I belive the Administration intentionally directed information gathering toward a specific conclusion leading into the Iraq war. I also belive they intentionally mislead Congress and the American people into beliving there was a better case for WMD than there ever was. If that is the case, I would consider it treasom!
hey you walk to school or carry your lunch?

what is more important to you? eating or sleeping

if you were forced to kill one of your two children, which one would you chose?

give me a minute, and I'll think of other equally stupid analogies
