Do you believe that the government would use the military and all it's weaponry against the populace? if you do, you are nuts. nuff said.Not enough said. If you think the people can stand up to the military and their weaponry, you are nuts. Nuff said.
I'll cite ruby ridge, waco, and the bundy standoff outcome as my justification. I'm sure you'll state that those were completely justified uses of force by the federal government. right?Worse, you think there is a need. That is scary and says a lot about you and your thinking processes.
The government is charged with keeping us safe from invasion. It is not gun nuts who have some distorted mental picture of their great prowess with weapons and military tactics.
the government is charged via the constitution with safeguarding our inalienable rights. it is through the written law that the government keeps us safe from invasion. The 2nd Amendment is so that we the people will always be stronger than the federal government.
i'm also curious.....are you a dumbass like all the other anti gunners who find yourselves believing that those of us who WERE military went to some re-education camp after our discharges so we could have our training erased from our memories???????