Question on guns

Not enough said. If you think the people can stand up to the military and their weaponry, you are nuts. Nuff said.
Do you believe that the government would use the military and all it's weaponry against the populace? if you do, you are nuts. nuff said.

Worse, you think there is a need. That is scary and says a lot about you and your thinking processes.
I'll cite ruby ridge, waco, and the bundy standoff outcome as my justification. I'm sure you'll state that those were completely justified uses of force by the federal government. right?

The government is charged with keeping us safe from invasion. It is not gun nuts who have some distorted mental picture of their great prowess with weapons and military tactics.

the government is charged via the constitution with safeguarding our inalienable rights. it is through the written law that the government keeps us safe from invasion. The 2nd Amendment is so that we the people will always be stronger than the federal government.

i'm also curious.....are you a dumbass like all the other anti gunners who find yourselves believing that those of us who WERE military went to some re-education camp after our discharges so we could have our training erased from our memories???????
i ask again, fuckwit, is driving a vehicle a RIGHT or not? is owning and carrying a gun a RIGHT or not? are you not smart enough to answer these questions?

You fucking idiot, being a right has nothing to do with vehicles being necessary for a society to function. How you haven't figured that out yet, is beyond me. Other than your massive stupidity.

Carried your "right" into that courtroom yet, halfwit? Of course not. Why?

1) It's not your right to do so, or
2) You're a massive pussy.

Which is it, punk?
You fucking idiot, being a right has nothing to do with vehicles being necessary for a society to function. How you haven't figured that out yet, is beyond me. Other than your massive stupidity.
hey retard, if something is NECESSARY, then who is the government to DENY it to you? food is necessary, can the government deny you food? air? water? free speech? a place to live? stop being a fucking slave and THINK about your actual freedom, dumbass.

Carried your "right" into that courtroom yet, halfwit? Of course not. Why?
because you're a fucking statist idiot, that's why.

1) It's not your right to do so, or
2) You're a massive pussy.

Which is it, punk?

fuck off, cunt. leave the fucking country, fuckstick racist traitor.
hey retard, if something is NECESSARY, then who is the government to DENY it to you? food is necessary, can the government deny you food? air? water? free speech? a place to live? stop being a fucking slave and THINK about your actual freedom, dumbass.

because you're a fucking statist idiot, that's why.

fuck off, cunt. leave the fucking country, fuckstick racist traitor.

You pathetic, illiterate fuck. You can’t even follow the simple concept of the critical importance, the NECESSITY, of vehicles to the functioning of a western society. Just fucking pitiable.

Can’t answer the question, can you, punk? The answer is both 1) AND 2)

It is not your right AND you are a massive pussy.

Get the fuck off this forum, shitweasel, so the collective IQ can improve.

Total fucking idiot.
Guns are designed to kill people.

Could anyone have made a more moronic statement? Guns are nothing but an improvement over rocks, spears, bows and arrows not one of which was designed to kill people. They were designed to enhance man's survival. By providing a more efficient way to provide food and defend against wild animal attacks.
Could anyone have made a more moronic statement? Guns are nothing but an improvement over rocks, spears, bows and arrows not one of which was designed to kill people. They were designed to enhance man's survival. By providing a more efficient way to provide food and defend against wild animal attacks.

Right. Millions need them to hunt for their food and defend themselves from wild animals these days.

And YOU accuse someone of a moronic statement? Priceless!
Right. Millions need them to hunt for their food and defend themselves from wild animals these days.

And YOU accuse someone of a moronic statement? Priceless!

talk about moronic, you don't believe that there's a right to eat, so how can it be about hunting? why don't you shut up and look less like a fuckstick idiot?
Guns give scardy cats courage, most people need a foe, the foe is the enemy, the enemy is everywhere and thus for Americans guns are their courage. On topic, dead is dead and guns kill people as America proves daily and as the Los Vegas shooter demonstrated semi automatic is the way to go if death is your goal. Kinda simple.

come to bed honey
i'll only be a little while
but you've been cleaning those guns all evening
they keep us safe dear
but it's cold up here come to bed
be up in a bit
- ladder appears at window
- wife looks up surprised
- masked man puts his finger to lips
my husband is downstairs and armed
is he coming up soon
nah cleaning his guns
you look lonely
i am
- they talk
- from downstairs
honey what's all that noise up there
nothing dear you clean your guns
- quiet
dear i'm coming to bed now
- muffled reply
- sotto voce
oh she sleeping so content
- thinks to himself isn't it nice being secure
hugs his gun, kisses it
- scene fades

One can only laugh at how dumb people are, one man wears bomber shoes and now we all are forced to smell stinky feet, but many men kill and the apologists apologize for madness. Dad always said money talks, death is to be expected.

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."
talk about moronic, you don't believe that there's a right to eat, so how can it be about hunting? why don't you shut up and look less like a fuckstick idiot?

Stupid fucking moron. My post was to the idiotic statement that guns provide a more efficient way to provide for food and defend against wild animals.

When was the last time you fended off wild animals with that pissant popgun of yours, shitstain?
That could come down to a simple matter of difficulty to conceal, perhaps even expense.

Trick question. He wants to show you how "fully Automatic" is not just automatic and easily repeatable. It ignores that you can accomplish all the same carnage s without actually being fully automatic. I bet a Bump Stock attachment does not count either, because it is not fully automatic. Almost, but not quite. This is an old and tired ruse.

Why do you two numbnuts think fully automatic weapons were used for mass killings in France AND Norway with all their anti-gun laws? What makes you morons think terrorists or criminals intent on committing carnage care about laws?

A better question would be why Liberals are such morons and low information dumbfucks?