Question to all about Lady T


Junior Member
Do you think she fantacizes about me, and has dreams about me? Do you think she's only w/ her boyfriend b/c she knows that she can't have me and im unattainable?

I just thought I would put this out there, and also let Lady T know that I know.
LOL! :p
Actually, funny you should say that! When your post card came in the mail, he gave me a look and was like, "who is this?" He was convinced you weren't really g ay and that was your spiel (sp?) to pick up chicks. Especially after all the IM-ing.
your BF is a smart guy..............dawggy wouldn't be the first one to try that gig............he is trying to get you to want to 'convert' him....haha! i shudda tried that one!!!!!
your BF is a smart guy..............dawggy wouldn't be the first one to try that gig............he is trying to get you to want to 'convert' him....haha! i shudda tried that one!!!!!

How funny would that be if Rob was really a closet straight guy?
LOL! :p
Actually, funny you should say that! When your post card came in the mail, he gave me a look and was like, "who is this?" He was convinced you weren't really g ay and that was your spiel (sp?) to pick up chicks. Especially after all the IM-ing.

its funny you say that b/c we were talking about that very thing this weekend, about how it would be on the DL and how a guy would pretend he was ghey to go out w/ some chick.
That reminds me the time I was in grad school and we went to Prague for a study week. Me and another girl in the class had a room with our friend who's ghey. All the guys were completely jealous and pissed when they found out about it. It was hilarious! He was teasing them about what he got to see! :p
"its funny you say that b/c we were talking about that very thing this weekend, about how it would be on the DL and how a guy would pretend he was ghey to go out w/ some chick."

things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm
If lady T really looks as good as that picture she posted I could see single guys doing way further out things than rob may be doing posing as gay.
Smooking good lucking.

I do feel he is a flaming homosexual though, he doesn't know his head from his ass on football. That's one of the clearest signs.
I don't know my head from my ass on football either, but I am certainly not gay :)
Just have no interest in watching sports.
Oh I know who he is from the commercials he does, but not sure which team he is on.
Yes I am a bit wierd and proud of it :)
i would not care if all pro sports ended today.
If lady T really looks as good as that picture she posted I could see single guys doing way further out things than rob may be doing posing as gay.
Smooking good lucking.

I do feel he is a flaming homosexual though, he doesn't know his head from his ass on football. That's one of the clearest signs.

i';m not homosexual, and i don't know much about football either.
Were I talking Rockies pitching and said we should have gone after "The Unit" would you know what I was talking about?