Question to all about Lady T

LOL! :p
Actually, funny you should say that! When your post card came in the mail, he gave me a look and was like, "who is this?" He was convinced you weren't really g ay and that was your spiel (sp?) to pick up chicks. Especially after all the IM-ing.

hahahahaha! My husband actually did the same thing...threw the x-mas post card from Rob on the table and said, WHO'S THIS? lol! I said, oh, that's Robdawg from and he said, "He doesn't look gay to me...????? hmmmmm....????" and then he raised his eyebrow!

I got a real kick out of it, being that Rob is near half my age and all!

I thought, Heh! I must not look that bad for an old crock for my husband to show a pitance of jealously! lol


I seem to recall your posting a photo back on You didn't look bad at all... you looked like the nice, sweet, caring, crazy-ass liberal that you are. ;)

j/k on the c-a-l part.
we'll your wierd then
Most red blooded american males know who payton manning is.

I must be wierd because I have no idea who payton manning is, but that Peyton Manning guy is one hell of a good QB.

Do you think she fantacizes about me, and has dreams about me? Do you think she's only w/ her boyfriend b/c she knows that she can't have me and im unattainable?

I just thought I would put this out there, and also let Lady T know that I know.
Dawg - how fitting as you are really just Lady T's whiney cyber lap poodle dressed in funny little sweaters. A relationship very similar to Paris Hilton and Tinkerbelle with you, of course, playing the role of Tinkerbelle.
Archie bunker was a jerk in the tradition of the honeymooners and freddy boy flintstone. a very popular character apparently which is still being imitated.
Archie bunker was a jerk in the tradition of the honeymooners and freddy boy flintstone. a very popular character apparently which is still being imitated.
Art imitates life which imitates art.

A keen sense of irony is an essential accessory in the modern world.