Questions no leftist can answer

I have a number of reasons why I never ban anyone from any thread that I create. One of them is that I've found in my experience that most of the leftist moron trolls one comes across actually DO say something intelligent every once in a while. It is typically a GREAT while between their bouts of intelligence, but it does happen from time to time.

Another one is that rebutting their stupidity is as easy as pie. It is child's play.

Apparently not for Legion! :D
One of the great things about JPP is that we can all do what we like - within the rules and guidelines - when creating our own threads.

The JPP community voted twice in favor of thread-banning, and it seems like a shame not to employ it for its intended purpose, IMO.

Now you use liberal idiots to justify what you are doing????!?
Their argument always follows the same predictable pattern:

When you give a factual rebuttal and reasonable counter argument, they will change the subject. It will be something tenuously related to the original subject, but different enough to change the trajectory of the conversation--if you let it or respond to it. A variant of this is that they endlessly ask for more details saying that what you have given--even if its extensive--is not proof of anything.

If you don't fall for the subject change, they start with the insults and ad hominem. They may still throw in some attempt at discussion, but it will mostly be insults and ad hominem.

When that doesn't work, they go to vulgar insults and stop talking to you. If it's FTF, they might even try to get physical and slap or hit you.

Sometimes they go straight to the insults, and there is the rare time where they answer you with incoherent babble. But something like 98% of the time they'll follow the above pattern.

All of which only shows they have lost the argument. They cannot or will not answer a question put to them. Like gfm says...childs play.