Questions no leftist can answer

But not here, where you asked the question. You censored them. You censored the very people you asked the question to. That is just stupidity.

I censored nobody.

I asked nobody a question.

Are you John Cleese? (That's a question, and I asked it of you).

It does prevent you from enjoying laughing at their stupidity though...
I have a number of reasons why I never ban anyone from any thread that I create. One of them is that I've found in my experience that most of the leftist moron trolls one comes across actually DO say something intelligent every once in a while. It is typically a GREAT while between their bouts of intelligence, but it does happen from time to time.

Another one is that rebutting their stupidity is as easy as pie. It is child's play.
I have a number of reasons why I never ban anyone from any thread that I create. One of them is that I've found in my experience that most of the leftist moron trolls one comes across actually DO say something intelligent every once in a while. It is typically a GREAT while between their bouts of intelligence, but it does happen from time to time. Another one is that rebutting their stupidity is as easy as pie. It is child's play.

One of the great things about JPP is that we can all do what we like - within the rules and guidelines - when creating our own threads.

The JPP community voted twice in favor of thread-banning, and it seems like a shame not to employ it for its intended purpose, IMO.

It's one thing to thread ban habitual trolls.
Of course this will be misused, and you can see it already with abusive right wing morons making laughable claims that they are banning "trolls" from their threads. But it's an interesting option for people who don't come here to have USF follow them around making obscene, sexually graphic, degrading, abusive remarks. I don't know if it will work or last, but it's definitely not meant to shut someone like you up
Ftr I voted to keep threadbans. I'm exercising the right not to see their shit just as they're exercising their right to be gross, disgusting assholes.
Exactly why I voted to keep them as well. There aren't that many known trolls, but the worst of them are virulent and cause interesting discussions to quickly devolve into sandbox squabbles only with swears.
Exactly, thank you
I ban people.
Then I’m a coward and proud of it. I will ignore them and ban them.
Guess which Legion Troll gets banned from my threads from now on!
I often have a thread ban list when I start a thread.
There are certain obsessive trolls around here who glom onto an individual and follow them around the forum doing nothing but personal attacks and adding zero to the discussion. I'm fine with thread-banning them.
It's a good way to cut down on trolls who only show up to start flame wars or derail the topic.
If you're trying to have a serious discussion, whether it's off-topic or about politics, there are some who just cannot act like adults and should be excluded.
I thread-ban the known trolls and the more virulent racists like TDAK, TOP, CFM, Legion, USF, H. Moron, etc. They exist only to hijack a discussion and turn it into a new segment of their ongoing vendettas with normal ppl.
I only ban obvious trolls and posters who blatantly engage in overt racism, misogyny, bigotry, libel, and slander. Those are not forms of "free speech" and they are not even remotely close to conventional political speech. The only reason anyone could make it onto my thread ban list is if they are either a troll, or they are a terrible human being.
The only people who ever get banned are racists, slanderous liars, and belligerent trolls. I have been here since 2006 and have put up with a vast litany of insults, toxic grudges, bogus innuendo, slander, and petty resentments. So you are going to have to work much harder to make the case I am thin-skinned.
Does not seem cowardly to me. Like other mature adults who respect social etiquette, it just makes sense to exclude known racists, belligerent bigots, girlish gossipers, and libelers from civilized conversation.
I don't allow racists, or haters in.
The new thing is personal thread bans. Anyone can ban who they like from threads upon starting it. This was to block trolls. It was created so certain women wouldn't have to deal with being called cunts or have someone talking about "fist fucking them" And it was created for the rest of us to not put up with assholes who's only purpose is to troll and disrupt threads and be inflammatory unproductive posters.
I thread banned his ass so he couldn't shit the place up with his stinking shit.
There are a handful of posters here who are such good-for-nothing trolls they don't deserve to be allowed to post in my threads. Or anyone else's either. Ergo, I ban only them from every thread I start.
JPP = filthy right wing toilet. Primarily because the JPP admin allows multiple accounts or "sock puppets", as well as unlimited thread banning by OP's. Congratulations. And before you Trumptard puke bags start flapping your chancre infected lips about the hypocrisy of me talking about thread banning in a thread where I banned every one of you I could think of, all I can say is.... enjoy the taste of your own medicine, shit bags.
It's not weak to want to deny a certain few idiots like Truth Deflector, CFM and a couple of others, the chance to fuck up every thread you start just because they're childish, immature assholes and have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
It is every poster's option to ban as many others as he/she decides.
Banning all the idiots is the best first line of defense.
I've never put anybody on ' Ignore ' but my reserve thread ban serves useful purposes. Once you've been a member for some considerable time here you can anticipate the reaction of the forum trolls to any given topic. Sometimes you might want to investigate a topic with other reasonable members and so you post your ban to eliminate the dross from your thread
The trolls often derail the thread. I think banning trolls is fine.
If you want to have an off topic discussion here you normally have to ban a few out necessity.
There are trolls who trash threads. This is a way to enable rational discourse.
Not wanting asshole trolls is not censoring.
No they are a way to prevent trolls and idiot's from polluting a thread.
I think the threadban works if you’re the type who gets sidetracked by trolls or those who want to vent bile.
I have a number of reasons why I never ban anyone from any thread that I create. One of them is that I've found in my experience that most of the leftist moron trolls one comes across actually DO say something intelligent every once in a while. It is typically a GREAT while between their bouts of intelligence, but it does happen from time to time.

Another one is that rebutting their stupidity is as easy as pie. It is child's play.

Their argument always follows the same predictable pattern:

When you give a factual rebuttal and reasonable counter argument, they will change the subject. It will be something tenuously related to the original subject, but different enough to change the trajectory of the conversation--if you let it or respond to it. A variant of this is that they endlessly ask for more details saying that what you have given--even if its extensive--is not proof of anything.

If you don't fall for the subject change, they start with the insults and ad hominem. They may still throw in some attempt at discussion, but it will mostly be insults and ad hominem.

When that doesn't work, they go to vulgar insults and stop talking to you. If it's FTF, they might even try to get physical and slap or hit you.

Sometimes they go straight to the insults, and there is the rare time where they answer you with incoherent babble. But something like 98% of the time they'll follow the above pattern.
Their argument always follows the same predictable pattern:

When you give a factual rebuttal and reasonable counter argument, they will change the subject. It will be something tenuously related to the original subject, but different enough to change the trajectory of the conversation--if you let it or respond to it. A variant of this is that they endlessly ask for more details saying that what you have given--even if its extensive--is not proof of anything.

If you don't fall for the subject change, they start with the insults and ad hominem. They may still throw in some attempt at discussion, but it will mostly be insults and ad hominem.

When that doesn't work, they go to vulgar insults and stop talking to you. If it's FTF, they might even try to get physical and slap or hit you.

Sometimes they go straight to the insults, and there is the rare time where they answer you with incoherent babble. But something like 98% of the time they'll follow the above pattern.
Sounds like you have a fairly strong grasp of the typical liberal and their NPC tendencies.
Sounds like you have a fairly strong grasp of the typical liberal and their NPC tendencies.

ProgShitBird ROE:

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...
