
Definitely the most land. What about the Toltecs?
Tough question. The Toltecs had long been an extinct Civilization when the Incas and Aztecs were at their height. We simply don’t know much about them other than the ruins of their impressive architecture. We don’t even know what they called themselves. Toltec is what the Nahuatl speakers (I.E. the Aztecs) called them.

I believe the Aztecs had the greater Empire in terms of Land area. They controlled, either directly or indirectly, most of modern day Mexico and even the other nations that existed at that time in Mexico, like the Olmecs, spoke Nahuatl and were subject nations to the Aztecs via military conquest. The Incas controlled most of the Andies region, a long but narrow region and the Aztecs and their subject nations had a larger population.
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The Persians would like a word...
I was wrong. It was the Mayans who created the most accurate calendar till modern times. They created the first 365.25 day calendar 1700 years before the Babylonian calendar which was a 360 calendar they created around 300bc.

It’s interesting that many view the Mayans as an extinct civilization though they still exist in Southern Mexico.
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I was wrong. It was the Mayans who created the most accurate calendar till modern times. They created the first 365.25 day calendar 1700 years before the Babylonian calendar which was a 360 calendar they created around 300bc.

It’s interesting that many view the Mayans as an extinct civilization though they still exist in Southern Mexico.

The Persians would still like a moment of your time...
I was wrong. It was the Mayans who created the most accurate calendar till modern times. They created the first 365.25 day calendar 1700 years before the Babylonian calendar which was a 360 calendar they created around 300bc.

It’s interesting that many view the Mayans as an extinct civilization though they still exist in Southern Mexico.

Are they the ones in the "caravan"?
I'd like to take you for a walk in the park at night. ;)

Thumbsupkid - whatever our disagreements about other matters. Guille is correct here. Babylon was the most successful of a whole number of city-states in ancient Mesapotamia, finally conquered by the Persians. Read your Bible, mate: 'Mene, mene tekel Upharsin' - or 'Peres'- 'Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. Thy kingdom is taken from thee and given to the Medes and the Persians'. That's how I recall it, anyway.
Thumbsupkid - whatever our disagreements about other matters. Guille is correct here. Babylon was the most successful of a whole number of city-states in ancient Mesapotamia, finally conquered by the Persians. Read your Bible, mate: 'Mene, mene tekel Upharsin' - or 'Peres'- 'Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting. Thy kingdom is taken from thee and given to the Medes and the Persians'. That's how I recall it, anyway.

I didn't say he was wrong. I just wanted him to take a walk in the park, at night, with me.:rolleyes: