QUIZ - What Is the # 1 Most Listened to Tune in the World ?


Verified User
Music Quiz - Just 1 question. What do you guess is the # 1 most played, most listened to, and most danced to tune in the whole world ? Anybody want to venture a guess ? No fee for this. Just pop in whatever one you think it is.
I kind of expected to get Happy Birthday as a guess. It is common and often sung, but as far as I know, it's only in the USA. The tune I'm eferring to is WORLDWIDE, and that is part of what makes it # 1.

I'll toss out a few hints >>

1. OOps. I forgot. This inferior forum doesn't accept pictures from the "copy image" click (I have no idea why not) - maybe the mods can fix that.

I'll put the hints in with words (although not as good)

1. Ocean

2. Clipper ship

3. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...707.svg/189px-British-Red-Ensign-1707.svg.png
It's not our fault that you don't know how to post images.

Ave Maria.

It IS your fault. I DO know how to post images in 2016 up-to-date forums, and I do it all the time *. This forum is out-of-date, and uses cyber-ancient technology. Get up to speed like all the other forums, and THEN it won't be your fault.

* Example >> http://www.politicaljack.com/threads/quiz-what-is-the-1-most-listened-to-tune-in-the-world.93236/

See Posts 7 - 10, and Post # 28. All done just by clicking "copy image" and then pasting it. Whatever is done here, it's antiquated.
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why can't you post pictures?.....
I kind of expected to get Happy Birthday as a guess. It is common and often sung, but as far as I know, it's only in the USA. The tune I'm eferring to is WORLDWIDE, and that is part of what makes it # 1.

I'll toss out a few hints >>

1. OOps. I forgot. This inferior forum doesn't accept pictures from the "copy image" click (I have no idea why not) - maybe the mods can fix that.

I'll put the hints in with words (although not as good)

1. Ocean

2. Clipper ship

3. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipe...707.svg/189px-British-Red-Ensign-1707.svg.png

Happy Birthday is sung all over the world, go to Thailand, Vietnam or China to hear it being sung!

As for inserting images, it's a piece of piss!! Just right click on an image, copy it and then paste into your post!!

Happy Birthday is sung all over the world, go to Thailand, Vietnam or China to hear it being sung!

As for inserting images, it's a piece of piss!! Just right click on an image, copy it and then paste into your post!!


That doesn't work. As I said (why do do I have to repeat ?) ? should be you click "copy image" then you paste it in here. DOESN'T WORK HERE (as it does in 7 other forums I have been in. Get it ?
Happy Birthday is sung all over the world, go to Thailand, Vietnam or China to hear it being sung!

As for inserting images, it's a piece of piss!! Just right click on an image, copy it and then paste into your post!!


Happy birthday is not the # 1 tune, and not even close.

probably because you were an idiot and pasted it as an html link instead of an image....

You said >> "you click on "copy image address"" Your words, not mine. So that's what I did. It didn't work. Got it ?

If you weren't an idiot, and some other idiots in this idiot forum, you'd all know the CURRENT 2016 MO is "copy image" and then just paste it . simple as that. Time for you guys to step up.
You said >> "you click on "copy image address"" Your words, not mine. So that's what I did. It didn't work. Got it ?

If you weren't an idiot, and some other idiots in this idiot forum, you'd all know the CURRENT 2016 MO is "copy image" and then just paste it . simple as that. Time for you guys to step up.
For fuck's sake, give me strength, I already told you that!!

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