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I was about to say something nice to him one day when he told about his kids who were adopted from another country. Then I realized that he uses the fact of their adoption as a weapon and a virtue-signaling card. He did it again in this thread. Why not just say "my children" instead of qualifying them as "adopted"?

Because, like a few others, he's living a fantasy life online?
So very typical though of Trumpanzees, isn't it? You probably don't pay a lot of attention to Toxic's boyfriend Hawkeye's posts, as most wise people don't either. But he has often referred to his own daughter as "WOKE" and whined openly about their estrangement. Apparently she skips important family holiday get-togethers because of him. How pathetic is that, to choose a sociopathic criminal over one's own family?

I mostly don't bother reading crazy people or mind-numbingly boring people.

Rather than blaming woke for a daughter's estrangement, I think it behooves a father to practice some introspection.
I was about to say something nice to him one day when he told about his kids who were adopted from another country. Then I realized that he uses the fact of their adoption as a weapon and a virtue-signaling card. He did it again in this thread. Why not just say "my children" instead of qualifying them as "adopted"?

you mean my post in response Dickless Dutch lying about my family.....more personal attacks from the lib'rul cunts......
Personal attacks, including children and other family members, is the new norm from that group...The vulgar language and lies are just the standard norm...;)
Because, like a few others, he's living a fantasy life online?

no, because like a few others I have you cunts lying about me constantly.......this was a better place before the amazonerds came.......it could be a good place again if you stayed in the WarZone where normal people don't have to deal with the crap you post......
I haven't reported anything here in years...as has been confirmed...


See Post #342 for an example of a Wise Old Owl prediction that, as always, came true! :rofl2:
It's such a blessing not to be them...It's pretty easy to see why...so many reasons...to justify sayingthat as often as possible...
There's nothing lower than attacking family...even worse when it's an untruthful attack...
Who does that?