Quoted Predictions about Biden/ Kamala maybe?

One Prediction from me.

Joe Biden will not still be alive in November.

If will be a tragedy, natural causes that just happen to solve the problem the party faces with an unelectable candidate.
I have a prediction too...that ear on Trump's gonna fall off at one of his Klan rallies and his handlers will accidently toss it....LOL
Twitter really likes Kelly, he’s also be a great choice and people feel a safer bet.
Kelly would be a good choice too if they are serious about expanding the electoral map. Really there are a few interesting possibilities. I can tell you this…. the energy among most of the base is evident. I’m hopeful again….we’ll see what happens.
Bigot, ignored
Call me what the hell ever you want, but I'm being real....what she needs is a white corn fed, blue eyed young, but highly informative white man by her side this election. Its bad enough she's a woman, its bad enough she's black/Asian...LOL, but jews, gays and another woman...will be the kiss of death for Harris and like it or not, I don't make the news, I just report it.!! AMERICA IS TOO DIVISIVE, TOO RACIST AND TOO DAMN BIAS AGAISN'T WOMEN GOING ANY OTHER ROUTE!!
Harris/Shapiro is my prediction
Muslims are already upset with Biden/Harris and their sanctioning of genocide in Gaza, so the last VP on earth should be a jew. She's gonna lose and you heard it hear first...a black, a woman and jew running this country???? You motherfuckers are crazy if yall think thats gonna get you the white house!!!
Kelly would be a good choice too if they are serious about expanding the electoral map. Really there are a few interesting possibilities. I can tell you this…. the energy among most of the base is evident. I’m hopeful again….we’ll see what happens.
Its one thing to be hopeful, its another to be a realist. Her nod, hasn't moved the poll numbers up that much at all. yeah, the money is flowing, the enthusiasm is apparent, but voters still haven't moved those poll numbers much at all. She's running against the biggest threat to the world, let alone this nation and still her numbers aren't moving that much. Her VP choice will either seal her fate of defeat or give her what Biden gave Obama, a boost and the white house!!