R.I.P. Ma...

Today, everything is amazing, and nobody is happy. Improvement in technology doesn't seem to be making us any happier at all. In fact, it could be said that it often has negative effects. So, I'm not so excited about the singularity happening, beyond a pure excitement at what we could learn.
Today, everything is amazing, and nobody is happy. Improvement in technology doesn't seem to be making us any happier at all. In fact, it could be said that it often has negative effects. So, I'm not so excited about the singularity happening, beyond a pure excitement at what we could learn.

Yeah, I'm always amazed that people are less happy despite all the technological wonders that are going on. Of course, most people take it all for granted, while guys like me are constantly going "wow, that's amazing!" I mean, consider that when I was 2 we had the Apple 88, and a decade later we got the iMac. We developed the HTTP, home theater systems and plasma screens, the technology behind the Ferbies was phenominal (even though we all fucking wanted the blow them all to pieces!!!), first person shooters starting with Doom are awesome, and the list goes on. New cell phone technology like the Crackberry and the iPad are spectacular. And regarding computers and e-mail, the ability to send attachments is one of my favorite abilities!!

But people are made happy by positive relationships, and our modern technology can be counterproductive to this end. We are thankful for social networking sites which keep us connected to old friends and aquaintences, but we are kept at bay from people we truely care about. People are also made happy by positive ideology and philosophy, while postmodernism and nihilism have pervaded the modern world.
I remember first seeing a 50' plasma screen in an issue of PC Gamer. I was like, WTF! That's fucking amazing and utterly excessive!

Now I have one next to me playing right now. Nothing is as amazing once you have it...
while postmodernism and nihilism have pervaded the modern world.

I'm not a postmodernist and I fight against the nihilist tendencies of many atheists.

I do not believe that the spiritual world is all that matters. Why should I believe that the material world is worthless, just like the spiritualists? That's an entirely Christian perspective that too many atheists fall into.
Today, everything is amazing, and nobody is happy. Improvement in technology doesn't seem to be making us any happier at all. In fact, it could be said that it often has negative effects. So, I'm not so excited about the singularity happening, beyond a pure excitement at what we could learn.

go back to 1840 tell me how happy you are
I remember first seeing a 50' plasma screen in an issue of PC Gamer. I was like, WTF! That's fucking amazing and utterly excessive!

Now I have one next to me playing right now. Nothing is as amazing once you have it...

thinnly veiled brag imo ^
I'm not a postmodernist and I fight against the nihilist tendencies of many atheists.

I do not believe that the spiritual world is all that matters. Why should I believe that the material world is worthless, just like the spiritualists? That's an entirely Christian perspective that too many atheists fall into.

You just saw me, a form of spiritualist, knerding out over the material world, and all the technological wonders that it has to offer. The material world is great, but it doesn't offer people what they need to feed their emotional health. That's why so many people, atheist and religious, are unhappy, because they are only focusing on the material.
You just saw me, a form of spiritualist, knerding out over the material world, and all the technological wonders that it has to offer. The material world is great, but it doesn't offer people what they need to feed their emotional health. That's why so many people, atheist and religious, are unhappy, because they are only focusing on the material.

The material is all that truly exists.
The funny thing is that my dad doesn't even have a full graduate degree and still makes far more than most Mississippians. That's b/c my family is naturally better than most proles in MS.

That's why we owned slaves when most MS's were farming their own food. We know a good investment when we see one.
go back to 1840 tell me how happy you are

Honestly, Grind, I doubt that people in 2010 are any happier than those in 1840.

The happiest country in the world is not the US. It is also not any of the European countries that give their people huge social benefits, and who's people don't have to work that much.

It's Nigeria.
Once plasma televisions started to go below 1000 a lot of people bought them. You probably have one.

I didn't mean it as a brag, I was essentially thinking that, since my family can afford it, most others can afford it...

Our family income is more than twice the American median family income*, though, so maybe it's out of place.


wasn't serious etc
Honestly, Grind, I doubt that people in 2010 are any happier than those in 1840.

The happiest country in the world is not the US. It is also not any of the European countries that give their people huge social benefits, and who's people don't have to work that much.

It's Nigeria.

give me all your stuff then and go live in nigeria