APP - rachel maddow vs fox

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
seems that rachel maddow's ratings are much better than fox's

oh well

After prophesying a landslide win for Mitt Romney, Fox News has seen its ratings decline a lot more than usual since the election — and Sean Hannity's viewers in particular keep disappearing, whileRachel Maddow's continue to tune in over at rival MSNBC.
RELATED: Rachel Maddow Doesn't Want to Run for Office
The last batch of Nielsen data available before year's end shows Hannity's viewership getting chopped in half after November 6, according to the New York Daily News's Don Kaplan. Politico'sDylan Byers argues this decline simply brings Hannity back to pre-election norms. Or perhaps these vanishing viewers are just disgruntled voters who can't stomach the news cycle anymore. Kaplan, however, attributes this decline to Hannity's implied predictions:
It's normal for peaks during the waning days of the election. I'd say that many Fox viewers turned off the tube, turned out the lights, and curled up in the fetal position after the election.

It's the fault of the Right wing morons who gave them the false hope that Romney would have a chance.

What I liked about the election cycle was that MSNBC was keeping with news programming on the weekends, as opposed to their regular programs about being in jail.

I don't understand the fascination with incarceration, but I'm tired of the entire weekend being taken up by these idiotic shows.
they felt lied to.

that is at least a start to discovering Fox news cant exsist without lying
and there is the dripping hate for country yet again

You are funny. Obviously MSNBC puts those shows in because they think you will watch. Duh

Let me guess it is Fox News as Rush Limbaughs fault MSNBC puts on shows about incarceration during the weekend?

Gerorge Bush?
Grover Norquist?
Koch Brothers?

Did I forget any of your bogeymen?
ILA you are every day here talking about some Americans you hate.

your not a patriot your a paria on the legacy the founders left us
then explain to me why you want the post office dead

It is inefficient and outdated. There are more efficient ways of delivering mail. Times have moved on. Why are you clinging to outmoded ways of delivering information? I thought you were all about progress? You are stuck in the 50s

ILA you are every day here talking about some Americans you hate.

your not a patriot your a paria on the legacy the founders left us

Look if you are going to try to use your word of the day toilet paper, at least try to spell things correctly.

It is pariah
Now explain to me why your party PRETENDS to be all constitutiony and then tries to kill a part the founders believed in very deeply?
It is inefficient and outdated. There are more efficient ways of delivering mail. Times have moved on. Why are you clinging to outmoded ways of delivering information? I thought you were all about progress? You are stuck in the 50s

name one
FedEx. They are just prohibited by law from doing certain things.

I accept your apology
Not even close. Can you tell me how much it would cost to send a letter to Alaska via Fed Ex/UPS? How about NY to California?

You're going to have to spend some time studying the topic if you want to avoid looking like a moron....again
Not even close. Can you tell me how much it would cost to send a letter to Alaska via Fed Ex/UPS? How about NY to California?

You're going to have to spend some time studying the topic if you want to avoid looking like a moron....again

The US Post office has uncompetitive advantages, however, when people really want something delivered on time, where do they go? FedEx. Not the US Post Office. Where did your love of government come from? Why do you put so much faith in the government? Do you really think they care about you? Does it make you feel comforted thinking they care about you?
The founders were very passionate about a fed post office.

They didnt care if it payed for its self.

Cite please

aim your guns at your fellow Americans and you will DIE!

At whose hands? There are only a few conditions in which I would aim my gun at a fellow American

1) They are on my property with no just cause
2) My life and/or the life of my family is in jeopardy.

At which point, whoever is committing acts 1 and/or 2 better hope I am not as good a shot as I think I am.

It is amazing how much hate you have for your fellow citizens who just want to live life and not be bothered by you. Why can't you live and let live. Nobody is bothering you. Is your life so devoid of meaning that you must meddle in others affairs?
Like a baseball player called up to the majors before they are ready, Desh I don't think you are ready for APP just yet. Back to the minors for you.

I thought APP was the place to come where this nonsense wasn't tolerated. My sense is that she won't be long for this board if that is in fact the case.
The US Post office has uncompetitive advantages, however, when people really want something delivered on time, where do they go? FedEx. Not the US Post Office. Where did your love of government come from? Why do you put so much faith in the government? Do you really think they care about you? Does it make you feel comforted thinking they care about you?
What are those advantages?

Go here

A 1 lb package or less, will get from NY to Cal. in 4 days, and cost you over $11.00

Wanna tell us how efficient they are when compared to sending the same letter for less than 50 cents?

'The Govt' is NOT the USPS