APP - rachel maddow vs fox

Mott, I have your back on this one brother. Being partisan is being partisan. Whether its right or left partisanship is still the same. One can be left or right leaning and not accept straight partisanship
Thanks but I mean it's not even that. Propaganda has nothing to do with the truth or the facts but has to do with telling true believers what they want to hear in order to sell them a bill of goods. In context there are significant differences between Fox and MSNBC but in substance there is hardly any difference. They're both trying to sell a bill of good.

Don't know about you but I'm not buying it.
Thanks but I mean it's not even that. Propaganda has nothing to do with the truth or the facts but has to do with telling true believers what they want to hear in order to sell them a bill of goods. In context there are significant differences between Fox and MSNBC but in substance there is hardly any difference. They're both trying to sell a bill of good.

Don't know about you but I'm not buying it.
I disagree. By your standard, there is no news that isn't propaganda. Leaning left/right does not automatically mean that what you offer is propaganda.
3. No trolling
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

APP isn't for the usual back and forth of petty arguing. Had to delete some more posts. Please keep discussion to the topic at hand.