Racing Past the Constitution

Not enough government control? Are you kidding???

Look at the scandals that our government officials have been involved in.

If you trust the government to do what is in OUR best interest, then you cannot possibly have been paying attention to what they have been doing.

Are you saying those financial folks are our true friends? What government official is walking away with a multi-million dollar bonus paid for by the tax payers?

We jump all over the politician who gets a couple of points shaved off his mortgage rate while standing up for the guy who walks away with millions and sails off into the sunset?
Actually the legal standard that was advocated by "You can't yell fire in a theater" isn't actually in use anymore. They've much limited the conclusion that that court came too. The example is overused today.

How about the broader forms of the control such as "Inciting to Riot", "Disorderly Conduct", "Creating a public nusiance", violating various lights out and noise control types of opdinances?

Try exercising full free speech next time an officer pulls you over.
mostly after, though I have read a few cases where the cities didn't even make an offer, just an outright blight designation and then condemnation.

Where I live buying a property that may be confiscated by the government for a road or to build a hospital, for example, is a wise investment. I understand if one has an emotional attachment to a property and does not want to sell but in the vast majority of cases it comes down to holding out for the extra dollar.

which is a bullshit example and i've debunked it numerous times on here

When you have time debunk it once more for me. A copy and paste will be fine.

There are very few, if any, blanket laws that can be written. Situations arise that were never foreseen and that is the role of courts to evaluate them or interpret if the law was written taking a specific situation into consideration.

the 'living' constitution theory needs to die a bloody and horrible death. The founders KNEW that technology would always advance society, therefore they wrote the basic principles in the powers assigned to the government to be static and constant.

Yea, right. The Founding Fathers were clones of Nostradamus.

another bullshit example and almost certainly an outright lie.

Perhaps you'd like to offer a few examples of Kings and land barons collecting taxes and then channeling them into social programs.

like we did in the 1770s?

Great example. How many default swaps went belly up in those days?
How about the broader forms of the control such as "Inciting to Riot", "Disorderly Conduct", "Creating a public nusiance", violating various lights out and noise control types of opdinances?

Try exercising full free speech next time an officer pulls you over.

DC and nuisance charges are typical catch alls for law enforcement to use when no law has been broken. I practice free speech whenever i feel like it, officer or not.
the socialists/liberals here will never get this.

another good article from George.

Are you saying those financial folks are our true friends? What government official is walking away with a multi-million dollar bonus paid for by the tax payers?

We jump all over the politician who gets a couple of points shaved off his mortgage rate while standing up for the guy who walks away with millions and sails off into the sunset?

Seen anyone in Congress that isn't doing well?

Yes, there are SOME crooks in the financial industry. But it is far less prevalent than in politics.

And the "multi-million dollar bonus paid for by the tax payers" is an oversimplification.

Please tell me one thing that the government does well and efficiently?(besides the military)
People who are too poor to support their family will resort to crime. That’s why there are social programs. The public purpose of welfare is to prevent crime.

No... there are social programs because little twit-brains like yourself, think that everyone resorts to crime if they are poor, and that social programs somehow help prevent crime. Most so-called "social programs" actually serve as shackles on the plantation of public dependence. In the 70+ years of this ongoing 'War on Poverty', we have not decreased poverty, and not decreased crime.

There is nothing rapacious about government using all the resources at it’s disposal for he benefit of society. The socialists/liberals understand this all too well. All one has to do is look at history.

Just what do you mean by "for the benefit of society?" Sounds like something someone might say just before proposing to round up and exterminate all gay people, doesn't it? Benefit by who's judgment? What is or isn't beneficial to society, is a completely subjective opinion, and it will vary between individuals. What a centralized federal government can "do for the benefit" of some, will undoubtedly not be "for the benefit" of others in society. So, I have to assume you mean, government should use all resources to do what liberals think is best for society, regardless of the benefits or repercussions.

Some people talk about the redistribution of wealth as something “dirty”.

That's because redistribution of wealth IS something dirty. It's been called by many names over the years, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Marxism... It's a dirty Eurotrash ideology that refuses to die. We've saved Europe and the world from it twice, but for some reason, every couple of generations, we have a new crop of idiots who want to give it another try. We live in a capitalist nation, and free market economy has proven to be far more successful and prosperous than socialism and communism. That's why you see people driving 1962 Buicks in Cuba and making homemade boats out of tires and anything they can find, to get to the USA and out of the socialist communist hell hole they live in.

From schools to fire departments to roads people pay according to their ability to pay through taxes.

No, people pay according to either how much income they make, or how much property they own, neither of which have anything to do with "ability to pay."

The unemployed person paying no tax can drive on the same road as the wealthy person who pays high taxes. That’s how civilization works and it’s works quite well that way.

Not in all 'civilizations' does it work that way. In some, you are simply put to death if you are of no productive use to the state. So, in one of these liberal wet dreams of socialist utopia you have, where all the wealth is spread out and everyone makes the same thing, has the same thing, drives the same thing, that's how it would work... if you were not pulling your weight, you would have to be weeded out.

What works well is free enterprise, free market, capitalism. Rewarding success and prosperity, not punishing it. Allowing THE PEOPLE to keep more of THEIR money, instead of giving it to liberals who will determine what is in society's best interest, and use it accordingly. THAT is how a civilization works quite well.
Seen anyone in Congress that isn't doing well?

Yes, there are SOME crooks in the financial industry. But it is far less prevalent than in politics.

And the "multi-million dollar bonus paid for by the tax payers" is an oversimplification.

Please tell me one thing that the government does well and efficiently?(besides the military)

One or a few financial "wizards" can destroy the savings of hundreds if not thousands. Pick a company in the news today.

Comparing the corruption of politicians to financiers is like comparing the kid who steals a chocolate bar to a bank robber.
No... there are social programs because little twit-brains like yourself, think that everyone resorts to crime if they are poor, and that social programs somehow help prevent crime. Most so-called "social programs" actually serve as shackles on the plantation of public dependence. In the 70+ years of this ongoing 'War on Poverty', we have not decreased poverty, and not decreased crime.

You must be a young fella as this reminds me of a talk I had with my teenage son.

You see, there are resorts around the world one can visit but people are advised not to leave the resort area. Why? Because the general population is poor. Very poor. While the governments in question harshly punish muggers, as the government does not want tourism to decline, the muggers are willing to take the chance because they are poor. Poor, as in living in shacks and lacking food. That type of poor. They see the tourist as being rich even though the tourist may have saved for years to be able to afford that vacation. To the mugger the tourist is wealthy. Imagine booking a week at Disney World in Orlando and the travel agent telling you it's not safe to leave the Disney grounds.

As for the war on poverty a good analogy would be the war in Iraq. Never do enough to end it. Just keep it dragging on.

We continually hear about the great loss of wealth recently. How much wealth did the single mom or the guy on disability payments lose?

The so-called war on poverty can be won and the best place to start is to have universal medicare. Big step in the right direction.

Just what do you mean by "for the benefit of society?" Sounds like something someone might say just before proposing to round up and exterminate all gay people, doesn't it? Benefit by who's judgment? What is or isn't beneficial to society, is a completely subjective opinion, and it will vary between individuals. What a centralized federal government can "do for the benefit" of some, will undoubtedly not be "for the benefit" of others in society. So, I have to assume you mean, government should use all resources to do what liberals think is best for society, regardless of the benefits or repercussions.

There are things that the average, normal person would consider a benefit to society. One obvious example is building a highway straight and not having to go around a person's piece of land. Less initial expense. Less chance of an accident occurring on a bend. Less chance of a person driving off the road in a storm.

Eliminating that bend in the road will benefit the hundreds of thousands of people who will travel that highway but no doubt the land owner will rant and rave about the government "stealing" his land and not being adequately compensated.

That's because redistribution of wealth IS something dirty. It's been called by many names over the years, Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Marxism... It's a dirty Eurotrash ideology that refuses to die. We've saved Europe and the world from it twice, but for some reason, every couple of generations, we have a new crop of idiots who want to give it another try. We live in a capitalist nation, and free market economy has proven to be far more successful and prosperous than socialism and communism. That's why you see people driving 1962 Buicks in Cuba and making homemade boats out of tires and anything they can find, to get to the USA and out of the socialist communist hell hole they live in.

Nothing like a little bit of truth thrown in amongst the lies/distortions to make it sound good.

First of all the reason people are driving 62 Buicks is due to embargo/trade sanctions.

Second, social programs is not socialism anymore than saying because a person can not advertise a home remedy (snake oil) as a cure for cancer means the US is not a capitalist country.

Like any other form of government it all depends on who is in charge. You'd think that after 8 years of Bush I wouldn't have to explain that!

No, people pay according to either how much income they make, or how much property they own, neither of which have anything to do with "ability to pay."

If a person makes "X" amount of dollars they have the money to pay. That's why payroll taxes are deducted before the person gets their check because most people are greedy. They will use the money for other things and then claim they can't afford to pay taxes.

The same applies to property tax. If they had the money to buy the property then they had the money. This isn't rocket science. Complaining about property tax is like saying why expect someone to pay $3.00/gal for gas after they just blew $40,000 on a Hummer. How unfair! :cof1:

Not in all 'civilizations' does it work that way. In some, you are simply put to death if you are of no productive use to the state. So, in one of these liberal wet dreams of socialist utopia you have, where all the wealth is spread out and everyone makes the same thing, has the same thing, drives the same thing, that's how it would work... if you were not pulling your weight, you would have to be weeded out.

No one is saying spread all the wealth. Again, you take it to the extreme. No one is saying interfere with people's lifestyle. Simply look after those in need.

What works well is free enterprise, free market, capitalism. Rewarding success and prosperity, not punishing it. Allowing THE PEOPLE to keep more of THEIR money, instead of giving it to liberals who will determine what is in society's best interest, and use it accordingly. THAT is how a civilization works quite well.

No one is being punished. We have the resources to feed everyone. No one has to go without food because someone else is eating. That's the difference between now and any other time in history.

Machines and other technology enable us to feed and house people relatively easily. Just look at all the new homes that were built over the last decade. Nobody lost sleep or missed a meal or suffered by building those homes. They could just as easily been building low income homes for the poor.

What you're advocating sounds like it's fine for someone to go hungry if another can buy a sail boat or it's fine for someone to be homeless if another can take a world cruise.

Expecting those who can afford to, to help the ones who are less fortunate, is not punishing anyone. You have a strange definition of punishment.
If a person makes "X" amount of dollars they have the money to pay. That's why payroll taxes are deducted before the person gets their check because most people are greedy. They will use the money for other things and then claim they can't afford to pay taxes.

The same applies to property tax. If they had the money to buy the property then they had the money. This isn't rocket science. Complaining about property tax is like saying why expect someone to pay $3.00/gal for gas after they just blew $40,000 on a Hummer. How unfair! :cof1:

The govt. deducts automatically so people won't get pissed off about having to write the govt. a check every month. FDR believed most people wouldn't miss it, and would therefore remain content about it all.

How many people do you know that bought a house and made one single payment of $200k+ up front? Most people spend years trying to finance and pay off their homes. What a stupid thing to say.
You must be a young fella as this reminds me of a talk I had with my teenage son.

I like to think I am young for 49. Why is it, liberals always begin a debate by hurling out a backhanded slap or insult first? Is that in the Pinhead Debate Manual? Sounds like your teenage son might have more sense than you.

You see, there are resorts around the world one can visit but people are advised not to leave the resort area. Why? Because the general population is poor. Very poor. While the governments in question harshly punish muggers, as the government does not want tourism to decline, the muggers are willing to take the chance because they are poor. Poor, as in living in shacks and lacking food. That type of poor. They see the tourist as being rich even though the tourist may have saved for years to be able to afford that vacation. To the mugger the tourist is wealthy. Imagine booking a week at Disney World in Orlando and the travel agent telling you it's not safe to leave the Disney grounds.

Yes, that is a terrible thing... but here's the deal, we've been pumping trillions of our tax dollars into helping the poor, community revitalization, empowerment zones, subsidized housing, food stamps, WIC, etc. We've been doing this since the days of FDR, and still, we have these dangers in resort areas. Still, there are people who are very poor, and there are people who will commit crime. And we can pump trillions more... we can double it, triple it, or quadruple it, and guess fucking what? People will STILL be poor, and people will STILL commit crime.

As for the war on poverty a good analogy would be the war in Iraq. Never do enough to end it. Just keep it dragging on.

WTF? No, the war in Iraq is a military operation, one in which, we are currently in the 'wrap-up' phase, and not 'dragging on' at all. Poverty is a fact of life, and it doesn't matter how much money we throw at the problem, we will still have poverty.

One of the problems with welfare is, it doesn't encourage prosperity. If you are getting welfare, you mustn't earn any income, it will render you ineligible for assistance. Welfare reform worked well because it made actually getting a job and working, a viable and attractive option to those on welfare.

We continually hear about the great loss of wealth recently. How much wealth did the single mom or the guy on disability payments lose?

That's the good thing about being poor in this economy!

The so-called war on poverty can be won and the best place to start is to have universal medicare. Big step in the right direction.

No, the war on poverty can't ever be won. No matter what we do, even if we took ALL the money from the rich and gave it to the poor, within 6 months, we would again have poverty. Some people are motivated to make money, others are not so motivated. Some people are wise with their investments, others are stupid. Some people can come to this country with the clothes on their back, and work hard to make something of themselves, and eventually amass a fortune... other people can win the lottery and end up destitute in a few years.

Universal health care will result in doing ONE thing, it will diminish the level of medical care in America. It will not magically solve any problems, it will not eliminate sickness or poverty, it will simply be another burden added to those who are productive members of society.

There are things that the average, normal person would consider a benefit to society. One obvious example is building a highway straight and not having to go around a person's piece of land. Less initial expense. Less chance of an accident occurring on a bend. Less chance of a person driving off the road in a storm.

What is "average" and "normal?" Doesn't this depend on perspective and opinion as well? Who decides what is "average" or "normal", you? What if the highway needs to be built straight through an endangered red-crested woodchuck's habitat? Is what is best for "normal average" people considered, or do we have to spend millions to build the highway around the habitat?

Eliminating that bend in the road will benefit the hundreds of thousands of people who will travel that highway but no doubt the land owner will rant and rave about the government "stealing" his land and not being adequately compensated.

Exactly... so you just proved my point! Every "benefit" you find for some, comes at a disadvantage to others. The laws regarding public easements have been around for a long time, so this is not something that isn't currently being done.

Nothing like a little bit of truth thrown in amongst the lies/distortions to make it sound good.

I know that is a liberal strategy, but nothing I have stated is untrue.

First of all the reason people are driving 62 Buicks is due to embargo/trade sanctions.

No, the reason is, that's what is available to them in Cuba. If this Communist Socialist redistribution of wealth idea you have was such a good one, they would be driving 2009 Lexus. They would also not be fashioning boats from old tires and such, so they could hopefully float to Miami and start a new life.

Second, social programs is not socialism anymore than saying because a person can not advertise a home remedy (snake oil) as a cure for cancer means the US is not a capitalist country.

Socialist redistribution of wealth, IS SOCIALISM! It is the basic argument and premise behind Marxism and Communism, and it has failed in every large scale industrialized nation it has ever been tried in. Inevitably, it perverts itself into tyranny and oppression of the people, as a means to control them. Once this happens, US soldiers are burdened with having to 'liberate' the people again, at a great cost in blood and treasure. As I said, this has happened at least twice in Europe, a couple of times in Asia, and apparently, is headed in that direction here in America!

Like any other form of government it all depends on who is in charge. You'd think that after 8 years of Bush I wouldn't have to explain that!

Bravo! Beautifully constructed liberal posting! Start off with a petty insult, spew a bunch of liberal nonsense, pull at the heart strings a little, and then end up with an attack of Bush! I swear, if this were the Pinhead Debate Olympics, you would be poised for a 9.9 from the judges... you really stuck that landing!

No, it doesn't matter who is in charge, socialism and communism always ultimately fails. Lenin, Marx, Hitler, Mussolini, Khrushchev, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, Castro... doesn't matter who was the leader, the ideology failed. Meanwhile, we have Obama, Bush, Carter, Hoover... doesn't matter who... Capitalism and free markets continue to foster wealth and prosperity, as well as the military might to save the world from Communism over and over again.

If a person makes "X" amount of dollars they have the money to pay. That's why payroll taxes are deducted before the person gets their check because most people are greedy. They will use the money for other things and then claim they can't afford to pay taxes.

Just because you make X amount, doesn't mean you have the money to pay. You have assumed that people who make more money, have money they can afford to pay in extra taxation, but that isn't always the case. Maybe it's a guy working 80 hrs a week at two jobs, to pay off his gambling debts, or child support? Maybe it's a single mom working night and day to put her three daughter's through college? Just maybe, they worked their butts off in school to learn something that happens to be rewarded well financially, and now they are realizing the benefits of that hard work, and slowly getting their student loan paid off? So you can't just assume that because someone makes more money, they can afford to pay more taxes.

The same applies to property tax. If they had the money to buy the property then they had the money. This isn't rocket science. Complaining about property tax is like saying why expect someone to pay $3.00/gal for gas after they just blew $40,000 on a Hummer. How unfair! :cof1:

And again, that is not always the case. What if the land was inherited? What if they are a young struggling couple with a few kids, who found a good deal on a foreclosure, and can now afford this property... but the tax is based on the value, so they can't really afford it? No, this isn't rocket science, it's really quite simple, almost nothing "universally" applies to individuals.

No one is saying spread all the wealth. Again, you take it to the extreme. No one is saying interfere with people's lifestyle. Simply look after those in need.

Yes, you are saying spread all the wealth! You are saying it's not such a dirty word! We should do this more! And YES you do want to interfere with people's lifestyle, you seek to take from those who live comfortable lifestyles and give to those who you perceive to have less comfortable lifestyles. You do this based on a hopelessly stereotyped view of society, which mostly doesn't apply in the real world.

And YOU are the one being "extreme" if you want to make an argument that WE don't do our share to help those in need! I challenge you to find an example of just one country who has given more to those in need.

No one is being punished. We have the resources to feed everyone. No one has to go without food because someone else is eating. That's the difference between now and any other time in history.

I'm sorry, but we don't have the resources to feed everyone for free. Nonetheless, we haven't had a person in America to involuntarily starve to death in... decades. Almost every community in America has some resource available to care for the needs of the indigent.

Machines and other technology enable us to feed and house people relatively easily. Just look at all the new homes that were built over the last decade. Nobody lost sleep or missed a meal or suffered by building those homes. They could just as easily been building low income homes for the poor.

Yeah, but low income people have no money, so those building the homes would not have been rewarded for their efforts. Do you believe this may have effected their motivation to build all those homes? You see, in a capitalist society, someone has to PAY for those homes, in order for us to have people making more than they deserve to have, so you can take it away from them. It's a vicious cycle.

What you're advocating sounds like it's fine for someone to go hungry if another can buy a sail boat or it's fine for someone to be homeless if another can take a world cruise.

Those who are buying a sailboat, are providing an income to those who build the sailboat, the guy who sold the sailboat and his sailboat dealership, and will also pay a good chunk to the state and local government in the form of licensing, registration, taxing and fees. Much of that money will be used to buy food for those in need. Someone who takes a world cruise, has realized a dream, an accomplishment in life. The Homeless haven't even accomplished rudimentary housing in the most benevolent society on the planet!

Expecting those who can afford to, to help the ones who are less fortunate, is not punishing anyone. You have a strange definition of punishment.

Yes, it's punishing those of us who don't conform to your stereotypes, whom you've determined can afford things based on what they make, what they have or what they accomplish in life.

Helping someone "less fortunate" is also subjective. What I perceive as helping, you may not... and what you see as helping, I see as detrimental.
The govt. deducts automatically so people won't get pissed off about having to write the govt. a check every month. FDR believed most people wouldn't miss it, and would therefore remain content about it all.

How many people do you know that bought a house and made one single payment of $200k+ up front? Most people spend years trying to finance and pay off their homes. What a stupid thing to say.

If people bought a home within their means most of them wouldn't be struggling to pay the mortgage unless they lost their job.

Or had an illness, of course. Then, again, if universal medicare was available just think of how many would be able to keep their home.
If people bought a home within their means most of them wouldn't be struggling to pay the mortgage unless they lost their job.

Or had an illness, of course. Then, again, if universal medicare was available just think of how many would be able to keep their home.

Living in a nice home is a major tenant of the postwar American Dream. People aren't going to buy some dump that is under $120k unless they plan on becoming tenants.

Should people not go to college because of the frequent six figure student debts that they acrue by attending?
One or a few financial "wizards" can destroy the savings of hundreds if not thousands. Pick a company in the news today.

Comparing the corruption of politicians to financiers is like comparing the kid who steals a chocolate bar to a bank robber.

Oh really? Because, while the few financial wizards can ruin the savings of hundreds, if not thousands, our politicians have pushed through legislation that will create a large debt for hundreds of millions of tax paying citizens.
I like to think I am young for 49. Why is it, liberals always begin a debate by hurling out a backhanded slap or insult first? Is that in the Pinhead Debate Manual? Sounds like your teenage son might have more sense than you.

If I intended to insult you I would have said you have no idea what you're talking about but I thought I'd be polite. In any case, as I have shown, you don't have any idea what you're talking about. Cubans are driving 62 Buicks because of an embargo/trade sanction not because of Castro or socialism.

Yes, that is a terrible thing... but here's the deal, we've been pumping trillions of our tax dollars into helping the poor, community revitalization, empowerment zones, subsidized housing, food stamps, WIC, etc. We've been doing this since the days of FDR, and still, we have these dangers in resort areas. Still, there are people who are very poor, and there are people who will commit crime. And we can pump trillions more... we can double it, triple it, or quadruple it, and guess fucking what? People will STILL be poor, and people will STILL commit crime.

Here's just one example. If kids had the opportunity to continue their education after high school there would be less poverty and less crime. As Obama intends on doing it's important to make higher education affordable.

As for other government assistance programs they wait until the person has lost everything before kicking in. It's too late after the person has lost the drive and that's another thing Obama is trying to address.

If a person is temporarily out of work they need help now. Not after they've lost their home. Or if debt consolidation can be worked out they need that help now. That is another thing Obama discussed.

Look at the craziness with Unemployment Insurance and having a two week waiting period before qualifying. The logical thing to do would be to start payments right away and end them two weeks sooner.

Many people live paycheck to paycheck. Why start off having the person behind in their financial obligations? If UI is payable for six months or a year why cause that person to start off by being behind in their rent or car payment by having zero income for two weeks? It's difficult enough for them to adjust to the drop in income. They don't need the constant worry and harassment and penalties from being late every month when starting UI benefits right away would alleviate that in many cases.

One of the problems with welfare is, it doesn't encourage prosperity. If you are getting welfare, you mustn't earn any income, it will render you ineligible for assistance. Welfare reform worked well because it made actually getting a job and working, a viable and attractive option to those on welfare.

I agree. That was an excellent change.

No, the war on poverty can't ever be won. No matter what we do, even if we took ALL the money from the rich and gave it to the poor, within 6 months, we would again have poverty. Some people are motivated to make money, others are not so motivated.

While not everyone aspires to be wealthy that's a far cry from having enough to eat and a decent place to sleep.

Universal health care will result in doing ONE thing, it will diminish the level of medical care in America. It will not magically solve any problems, it will not eliminate sickness or poverty, it will simply be another burden added to those who are productive members of society.

Many universal plans offer the opportunity for the individual to pay for special care. As with any universal service certain services are cut to provide the most needed or basic services to all.

As for productive members of society a healthy person is much more productive. Chronic diseases, untreated, pose a greater burden on society.

What is "average" and "normal?" Doesn't this depend on perspective and opinion as well? Who decides what is "average" or "normal", you? What if the highway needs to be built straight through an endangered red-crested woodchuck's habitat? Is what is best for "normal average" people considered, or do we have to spend millions to build the highway around the habitat?

That would depend on how much wood the woodchuck could chuck? :D

Exactly... so you just proved my point! Every "benefit" you find for some, comes at a disadvantage to others. The laws regarding public easements have been around for a long time, so this is not something that isn't currently being done.

Exactly! Public easements have been around for a long time. Things/decisions that involve advantages and disadvantages have been around for a long time and others will arise. In the vast majority of cases the advantage far outweighs the disadvantage so we can agree on this?

No, the reason is, that's what is available to them in Cuba. If this Communist Socialist redistribution of wealth idea you have was such a good one, they would be driving 2009 Lexus. They would also not be fashioning boats from old tires and such, so they could hopefully float to Miami and start a new life.

As I mentioned before social policies are not the same as socialism/communism and it depends on the person running the country. People in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries drive decent automobiles and those countries have many social policies.

Socialist redistribution of wealth, IS SOCIALISM! It is the basic argument and premise behind Marxism and Communism, and it has failed in every large scale industrialized nation it has ever been tried in. Inevitably, it perverts itself into tyranny and oppression of the people, as a means to control them. Once this happens, US soldiers are burdened with having to 'liberate' the people again, at a great cost in blood and treasure. As I said, this has happened at least twice in Europe, a couple of times in Asia, and apparently, is headed in that direction here in America!

We're not talking about the redistribution of wealth. We're talking about helping people. No one is suggesting taking a person's sail boat so we can buy everyone a row boat.

Social policies do not inevitably pervert into tyranny and oppression. What "socialist" Scandinavian countries became oppressors? One can even have a joint with their coffee in Amsterdam. How many people are rotting in jails in the US on marijuana charges?

Perhaps you need to rethink your position, son. :)

Bravo! Beautifully constructed liberal posting! Start off with a petty insult, spew a bunch of liberal nonsense, pull at the heart strings a little, and then end up with an attack of Bush! I swear, if this were the Pinhead Debate Olympics, you would be poised for a 9.9 from the judges... you really stuck that landing!

No, it doesn't matter who is in charge, socialism and communism always ultimately fails. Lenin, Marx, Hitler, Mussolini, Khrushchev, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, Castro... doesn't matter who was the leader, the ideology failed. Meanwhile, we have Obama, Bush, Carter, Hoover... doesn't matter who... Capitalism and free markets continue to foster wealth and prosperity, as well as the military might to save the world from Communism over and over again.

I just knew all this nonsense about a financial crisis was some communist lie! The 26 year high jobless rate is nothing more than people taking vacation and enjoying their wealth and prosperity. :rolleyes:

Yes, you are saying spread all the wealth! You are saying it's not such a dirty word! We should do this more! And YES you do want to interfere with people's lifestyle, you seek to take from those who live comfortable lifestyles and give to those who you perceive to have less comfortable lifestyles. You do this based on a hopelessly stereotyped view of society, which mostly doesn't apply in the real world.

Less comfortable? As in not having decent food for their children? Or decent clothes? Or can't afford to go to the dentist because someone else had to pay taxes and couldn't afford to install as big a pool as they wanted this year? Are these the folks you're referring to?

I'm sorry, but we don't have the resources to feed everyone for free. Nonetheless, we haven't had a person in America to involuntarily starve to death in... decades. Almost every community in America has some resource available to care for the needs of the indigent.

We have the resources to feed those who can not afford to eat. That's for sure.

Yeah, but low income people have no money, so those building the homes would not have been rewarded for their efforts. Do you believe this may have effected their motivation to build all those homes? You see, in a capitalist society, someone has to PAY for those homes, in order for us to have people making more than they deserve to have, so you can take it away from them. It's a vicious cycle.

Not vicious at all. When 50,000 troops come back from Iraq and still have time to serve why can't they build houses for the poor? We don't even have to give them the house. Just let them live there until they can get back on their feet.

Ultimately, the government and, by extension, the citizens will benefit. The government will own the houses. Benefits/welfare can be decreased as "John" won't have to pay "Tom" an outrageous rent. Everyone will benefit but some people are so worried someone is getting something for nothing.

Those who are buying a sailboat, are providing an income to those who build the sailboat, the guy who sold the sailboat and his sailboat dealership, and will also pay a good chunk to the state and local government in the form of licensing, registration, taxing and fees. Much of that money will be used to buy food for those in need. Someone who takes a world cruise, has realized a dream, an accomplishment in life. The Homeless haven't even accomplished rudimentary housing in the most benevolent society on the planet!

Because many of the homeless are ill. Either mentally or physically. Again, universal health care would address a large part of that problem.

Yes, it's punishing those of us who don't conform to your stereotypes, whom you've determined can afford things based on what they make, what they have or what they accomplish in life.

Helping someone "less fortunate" is also subjective. What I perceive as helping, you may not... and what you see as helping, I see as detrimental.

Surely you can not see providing food and shelter to those lacking it as being detrimental.

No one is saying buy the guy who is making minimum wage a new car or buy a single mom a house. We're talking about a minimum standard of living.

There used to be a public awareness campaign here a few years ago concerning domestic violence. The sign read, "Violence begets violence." The truth is most things beget the same thing. As long as we have a society that tolerates abject poverty, as long as people feel they have to scrape and claw their way through life because if they fall by the wayside they'll be trampled how can we expect people to feel empathy and compassion for others? How can we expect a person who was denied help to offer help to someone else?

We have to change things and change is what Obama is all about. It won't be easy and probably a lot of things won't get done but like trying to turn around a big ship it takes time before it's actually headed in another direction. It takes time to make the turn but it must be made and when it is made everyone will benefit.
Oh really? Because, while the few financial wizards can ruin the savings of hundreds, if not thousands, our politicians have pushed through legislation that will create a large debt for hundreds of millions of tax paying citizens.

A debt spread over hundreds of millions of taxpayers is easier for everyone to bear.

The bottom line is Obama has to do something. For eight years things were moving in the wrong direction. One example is the tax rate that was chopped from 39% to 36% for the wealthy under Bush. We've seen the "trickle down" effect. More like something running down ones leg. :eek:

An analogy may be a person having driven in the wrong direction for 10 miles. Another driver takes over and turns the car around. While he still has to pay the gas for the first 10 miles there isn't any overall progress noticeable.

Obama has to pay for the past mistakes and still move ahead. While it may not be the optimum time to implement things like medicare and alternative energy the optimum time was let slip by. If he doesn't start those programs we'll never see them.