What do you think our children and grandchildren will value more; an extra $25.00 at the end of the week for a few good B-B-Q steaks or knowing they can visit a doctor if their children get sick without having to worry how much money they have in their pocket?
I agree it's of little benefit to keep rehashing the current debt and who is responsible. The point is there will never be a better time to implement Obama's plans.
Four years from now, even if none of Obama's plans are implemented, there will still be a sizable debt and people will be saying he should put his plans on hold, again.
As Obama has said, "We can't wait any longer."
This may not be the best time but there won't be a better time, for a long time.
If I could, I would like to wrench the pop-poms out of your hands for a moment, and attempt to have a rational discussion. Nationalized health care? You should make sure thank a Republican for it! If they had stood up and raised t-total hell about this insanity, 10 years ago when it first reared it's ugly head, it would likely be a footnote by now. But because Dubya wanted to appear to be a good "compassionate conservative" he mirrored the idea then being promoted by Idiot Gore. The culmination was the Pill Bill, the single largest entitlement program since FDR. Because so-called "moderate" conservatives have made the mistake of finding agreement with pinheads over socialized medicine, we now have to deal with the Full Monty.
I realize, in your pinheaded states, it makes perfect sense to have government provide health care to every American at little or no cost. This is largely because your mental condition makes it impossible for you to understand capitalism and how it works in the free market. Here's the big deal with service industries like medicine, it all operates on demand. When you remove capitalist free-market influence, and mandate the government pay for the service instead, it can do nothing except increase demand. So, instead of it taking me 3 weeks to get an appointment with my cardiologist, it takes 6 months. It's about the demand. The supply side is not motivated to increase, what is the incentive for doctors? Does anyone know of a doctor who would rather be seeing patients 14 hrs a day, and not playing golf?
But whut about the poor sick people who can't afford to go to the doctor, and worry little johnny may die for lack of medical care?
Let me tell you something, I am named after my uncle, who died in 1933 at the age of 7. Basically, because the family was poor and didn't have access to medical care. But FDR fixed all that! We now have health clinics, funded by our tax dollars, operating in every major city. Hospitals are all bound by indigent care laws, they can't deny medical attention based on ability to pay. So, in a sense, we already do have "nationalized health care" in America.
Let's be honest, you want
Socialized Health Care! Just like you want socialized everything, because you are enamored with Sweden and Scandinavia, and the ramblings of Karl Marx. The few isolated arctic countries you can cite as wonderful examples of socialism, have virtually no GDP or GNP, compared to the US. Every time Socialism has been attempted in a large diversely populated and industrialized nation, it has resulted in catastrophe. Socialist juggernauts eventually have to resort to aggression, to "feed" the beast, and in the past, it was the US who had to come in and save the world from it.
I can see how a pinhead could imagine the propaganda they spread being true. In their simple minds, they believe we'll save more money than we'll spend, because America will be healthier, you see... Jane and John Doe will be far more likely to go have that pain in their chest checked out, if government is paying for it... but what happens when they go to make the appointment, and they are told the wait for new patients is at least 6 months, and they must submit the proper form HC1030 and W-40. The pinheads don't have an answer for this, they just start squealing about how I am exaggerating, and it won't be this way in Utopia!
We can observe the socialist medicine examples of large populous nations like our own, and we can see a clear decline in medical care and quality of care. Most of the wealthier socialists come HERE for medical care, because of the limitations of their own system. Capitalist free-market solutions, have resulted in the US having the best medical care on the planet. Through our laws, we make this care available to every American regardless of race, religion, handicap, or ability to pay.