Do you believe these quotes?
Those aren't quotes. They're bolded text that Y O U posted.
Do you believe these quotes?
Those aren't quotes. They're bolded text that Y O U posted.
Lefties will "jump on" anything and everything to score political points anyway.
I don't see any reason to use terms that are known to be historically offensive in a context that will give credibility to the left's constant accusations.
I'm struggling to accept the notion that anyone in our society could be unaware of the fact that many (if not most) Black people don't like being compared to primates.
Those aren't quotes. They're bolded text that Y O U posted.
What do you suppose Evmetro is referring to in this thread, using the words lefties and righties?
The ignorant default as lefties. We were all born as lefties, screaming for a bottle or tit for survival.
They are bolded text written by Evmetro.
So you say. Why won't you link them?
Looks like he was trolling you. Nothing was said or implied about race.
Uh huh. You can believe liquor store thieves are identified by their politics but I say that's BS.
Just because they feel it, are you obligated to acknowledge it?
Unless you have been discriminated against in a like manner, it's difficult to relate to the sensitivities of others.
Many Black people find comparisons with primates offensive. That's all you need to know.
Don't do it.
Yeah, sure. Not calm and offering real debate the the poor picked on rightys do. Try looking at the rightys on here and come bad educated. look at CFM,BIgdog,Truth Defllector and so many, that only offer insults. You are not selling that to anyone on this board.
Lefties will "jump on" anything and everything to score political points anyway.
I don't see any reason to use terms that are known to be historically offensive in a context that will give credibility to the left's constant accusations.
I'm struggling to accept the notion that anyone in our society could be unaware of the fact that many (if not most) Black people don't like being compared to primates.
I wonder how lefties feel about this one?
yeah you rightys would never do that? Such restraint you guys show?
This is about Trumps hair and his strange color which was his choice. It is not about his race. So, not the same at all.
Please cite the source of your information regarding the president's hair color, and show cause why you have standing to make such a claim.
Has President Trump stated that he is a regular user of dyes or hair coloring to your certain knowledge, Mr. Nerdberg?
For the record I will stipulate that the mocking comparison of the President to an orangutan is not racist in nature.
Lasch also quickly realized that the Donald skipped out on professional salons and instead had his family cut and color his hair, calling his dye job a 'calamity'