Again, the meaning of n___ was posted prior to posting n____ to describe you. Why are you pretending otherwise?
This is the third time: you should have no problem repeating it. Otherwise , consider it a moot point.
Miss Thang? Girlfriend you don't know me like that. And what makes you want to camp now? I got the stuffin for your muffin...I'd make you wish there were more the 24 hours to a day....but don't get your hopes up. I don't do fish. Anymore. And you 'bout some smelly tuna. Now, how many men in your office have gone down on? It's can tell us, we your family (of sorts). And we won't even hold it against you. We know you have to finance that crack habit, somehow. $5 here, $10 there. I hope you're using protection..wouldn't want you to get ill.
Sorry, but the image of a gay guy is quite the opposite of noble.I don't know what you're talking about. You, obviously, meant "nobleman". Circular argument, you know.
Sorry, but the image of a gay guy is quite the opposite of noble.
And that would be your reality, none of mine. Are you aware of the long list of gays who have contributed to all aspects of society, art, music, industry, government and almost every human endeavor? Of course not. You're a racist, bigoted conservative....and you know what they say about them...........
Conservatism: The Politics of Ignorance And Self-Interest. You obviously have no concept of noble. Gay is the epitome of nobility.
I interpreted it to mean "nobleman"...unless you meant something different, I guess that is the standard view. Say what you mean, or chicken out.
If that was your interpretation, then why were you whining and crying about it and then complaining to Damo?
Gay is the epitome of nobility.
It means you belong in a circus with all of the clowns and midgets.
Incredible irony!What an ignorant response, but what can we expect from someone who has Mel for their avatar!
What an ignorant response, but what can we expect from someone who has Mel for their avatar!
Hilarious! Why bother to argue against the finer points of Conservatism when you can just make up your own definition and argue against that? In case you get the courage to actually debate on the subject, here is a worthwhile place to start:
Wow talking about running straight into a wall head first. I set it up and you ran. What a nincompoop.When you can justify the finer points of conservatism which Bidstrup reduced to "The politics of Ignorance and Self-Interest" in the link I provided...which I wholeheartedly subscribe to, then perhaps it wil be an ice cold day in August, in Texas. I didn't make up my own defintion. I latched on to the definition provided for in the article. Are we supposed to "willy-nilly" accept your definition of what liberalism is and what liberals are about, knowing that you suffer from severe mental illness? If you could suspend your racism and your bigotry, we could have a honest dialogue...but I am under no illusion of the likelihood of that occurring. You can't even have a honest dialogue with a white liberal. Issues. Issues. Issues. Undealt with. Plaguing you. Causing you to speak out of turn. You, frothing at the mouth, at the mere thought of black gay man handing you your ass on a plastic platter, with a rose . Hilarious, indeed!