Racist roads

Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
See what (literally) getting your ass reamed does to one's mind? Racist roads? Next, certain vehicles will be racist. I wonder which ones?

you two trump suckers are too stupid to understand english correctly. the term racist roads does not mean the roads are racist, it means than when a lot of highways were built, many decades ago, blacks had no real economic or political power. so if a highway was needed and it was between dividing a middle class white area or a black area, where do you think they were built, in the white area? dumbfuck assclowns.

and this article about racist self driving cars has a stupid fuck title, if you read what it says you understand if you can read.

it says due to the way the car "decides" if a pedestrian is about to be hit, a darker skin person may be more likely to be hit. that is not racist, it has to do with dark objects being harder to identify than lighter objects, by a human's eye or the computer's. dumbass.

According to a new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology, people with darker skin may be more likely to get hit by a self-driving car than those with lighter skin tones. How is this possible? Well, the answer begins with a question the study's authors wanted to find out: How well do the latest object-detection systems used in self-driving cars detect people of different ethnicities?

To get an answer, the researchers examined a large database of pedestrian images and then divided them up according to what's called the Fitzpatrick scale, which is a system for classifying skin tones. The team then analyzed how often these systems correctly detected the presence of people of varying skin tones. In other words, a light-skinned group versus a dark-skinned group.

The results speak for themselves.

The overall detection rate was an average of five percentage points less accurate for the dark-skinned group. What's more, this difference remained even when researchers applied controls for variables like time of day and even obstructed views of those pedestrians.
Sounds like Joe's gonna try

"White House looks to move quickly on $17 billion revamp of U.S. ports"


making ports more efficient is not micromanaging private companies. adding more docks, more warehouses, other improvements that will help the process.

how does what biden propose in any way restrict private companies, douchebag? can you read- from the article you sourced-

The $17 billion will “improve infrastructure at coastal ports, inland ports and waterways, and land ports of entry along the border,” the White House said.

Many U.S. ports have bridge or depth limitations that restrict their ability to receive larger vessels, while a surge of cargo is straining land operations at some ports.

The project aims:

* To identify projects for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers construction at coastal ports and inland waterways within the next 60 days.

* To provide a roadmap for more than $4 billion in funding to repair outdated infrastructure and to deepen harbors for larger cargo ships.

* To prioritize key ports of entry for modernization and expansion within the next 90 days.

* To identify $3.4 billion in investments to upgrade obsolete inspection facilities and allow more efficient international trade through the northern and southern borders.

The Biden administration aims to alleviate congestion at the Port of Savannah by funding a project by the Georgia Port Authority.

That will allow the state to reallocate more than $8 million to convert existing inland facilities into five pop-up container yards in Georgia and North Carolina.

The Port of Savannah will transfer containers further inland so that they can be closer to final destinations, a move that will free more dock space.
making ports more efficient is not micromanaging private companies. adding more docks, more warehouses, other improvements that will help the process.

how does what biden propose in any way restrict private companies, douchebag? can you read- from the article you sourced-

The $17 billion will “improve infrastructure at coastal ports, inland ports and waterways, and land ports of entry along the border,” the White House said.

Many U.S. ports have bridge or depth limitations that restrict their ability to receive larger vessels, while a surge of cargo is straining land operations at some ports.

The project aims:

* To identify projects for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers construction at coastal ports and inland waterways within the next 60 days.

* To provide a roadmap for more than $4 billion in funding to repair outdated infrastructure and to deepen harbors for larger cargo ships.

* To prioritize key ports of entry for modernization and expansion within the next 90 days.

* To identify $3.4 billion in investments to upgrade obsolete inspection facilities and allow more efficient international trade through the northern and southern borders.

The Biden administration aims to alleviate congestion at the Port of Savannah by funding a project by the Georgia Port Authority.

That will allow the state to reallocate more than $8 million to convert existing inland facilities into five pop-up container yards in Georgia and North Carolina.

The Port of Savannah will transfer containers further inland so that they can be closer to final destinations, a move that will free more dock space.

Who owns those ports?
the government does not micromanage the shit out of private shippers, truckers and companies, bitch. i thought you right wing assclowns wanted LESS government interference in private business?

California's government does. That's one of the major causes of the backlog at just California ports right now.
Who owns those ports?

most are owned by foreign entities. a lot by china, a lot by middle eastern countries.

Why Are Any U.S. Ports Owned or Operated by Foreign ...https://www.huffpost.com › entry › why-are-any-us-po...
Feb 24, 2006 — According to the New York Times, foreign-based companies own and/or manage over 30% of US port terminals. According to Time Magazine, over 80% ...

80% of US Ports Already Foreign-Owned - MundoMaritimo.nethttps://www.mundomaritimo.net › noticias › 80-of-us-p...
Most of the terminals at America's major ports are already foreign-owned, according to a senior official with the largest U.S.-owned ports operator, ...
most are owned by foreign entities. a lot by china, a lot by middle eastern countries.

Why Are Any U.S. Ports Owned or Operated by Foreign ...https://www.huffpost.com › entry › why-are-any-us-po...
Feb 24, 2006 — According to the New York Times, foreign-based companies own and/or manage over 30% of US port terminals. According to Time Magazine, over 80% ...

80% of US Ports Already Foreign-Owned - MundoMaritimo.nethttps://www.mundomaritimo.net › noticias › 80-of-us-p...
Most of the terminals at America's major ports are already foreign-owned, according to a senior official with the largest U.S.-owned ports operator, ...

So the US government doesn't own those ports, dumb fuck...
learn to read, assmunch. where the roads were built was based on racism, in many cases, dumbfuck trump licker.

Everything is racist to you inbred incompetent and delusional libturds. Roads, cars, fossil fuels, toys, hard working Americans, employers, etc.

Why do you claim I'm a "trump licker"?
Quote Originally Posted by RB 60 View Post
the researchers examined a large database of pedestrian images and then divided them up according to what's called the Fitzpatrick scale, which is a system for classifying skin tones. The team then analyzed how often these systems correctly detected the presence of people of varying skin tones. In other words, a light-skinned group versus a dark-skinned group.

technology is amazing.......what takes human researchers thousands of hours of research only takes a robot car a few seconds, and then another dead dark skinned pedestrian......