Radio Show


On my way to work I heard the stupidest segment on the radio. I didn’t notice the station, I should have. Anyway, they call it “to catch a cheater” and this is the first time I heard it, but I gather it is a regular thing that they do.

So they have this girl on the phone and it seems that she recently moved in with her bf, and she opened their cable bill and lo and behold there was a porn movie on it. And of course he had told her that he thinks porn is disgusting just like she does and he would never watch it, yada yada yada.
So in order to humiliate this guy on this segment, she claims to suspect that he must have had another woman over that night while she was out, and it was this other woman who suggested the porn.

They get this poor bastard on the phone, and by this time I already feel sorry for him because I already know that he had no woman over, but he bullshitted this dope about finding porn disgusting and she went out and he watched it and now all of NY was going to find out he was home masturbating. So she confronts him on the air, and he admits he ordered the porn, but laughs when she asks if someone else was over. He’s like “yeah I invited 50 other people over to watch porn with me”. She moves right on, which told me she knew, just like I knew, that there was no other woman, and begins to attack him on air, claiming that he is cheating on her because watching porn is “flat out cheating”. And she is going a mile a minute, just on fire. “well you can watch all the porn you want, but you’re not gonna be with me then, you know how I feel about that porn”.

So finally, he says “you know what? If that’s how it’s going to be, you can move right back out”. And he hangs up on her, but she is still going. “Oh but then you still have your house”

As if, he should lose his house because he watched porn!

And some men say I’m a bitch!
LMAO! That's hilarious! She deserved to get dumped on Radio. What stations do you think it might have been. That's my kind of radio!

What is she so uptight about?
Some women are evil schemers and manipulators that think the world owes them a living.

I always ask them right up front if they know who Peter North is :D
LMAO! That's hilarious! She deserved to get dumped on Radio. What stations do you think it might have been. That's my kind of radio!

What is she so uptight about?

I am usually rooting for the woman, but in this case when he told her "you know what? you can move right back out" I was going "you tell her!"

It was either WPLJ or 94.3, I will check when I go back to my car because I still have it on the same station.

I don't know what she is so uptight about, it's not even like she was upset because he lied to her. It was very controlling, it was “you know how I feel about porn, and you will feel the same way or you’re not going to be with me”. You know, I don’t like porn and I do have problems with it, and I’d much rather a guy just tell me outright, I watch it sometimes, rather than pull the faux “yeah I’m a feminist and I don’t watch it” routine – unless it’s sincere, and some men really do feel that way, but you can tell when it’s faked and that’s more of a turnoff than anything.

But, if the guy told me what he thought I wanted to hear, and I caught him with porn, I’d laugh. Personally, unless it shows up in how he acts in bed in a negative way, or it is obsessive, I really don’t care. I have known one man in my whole life who really doesn’t watch it, because he believes it is degrading to women, but also it just doesn’t do much for him. He’s hot, and that’s hot. But, if you watch it, you watch it. This girl was out of her mind a real bitch, and a real control freak. He better run now.
Yeah. Good thing this happened! Could you imagine if he ended up marrying that tool?

I personally don't mind it. It can be fun to watch together ;) That's all I'll say on teh subject.
Alls I'm saying is women in particular should learn to be a little more open minded.
she just seemed nutz usc. Or she was just looking for an out to the relationship.
Yeah. Good thing this happened! Could you imagine if he ended up marrying that tool?

I personally don't mind it. It can be fun to watch together ;) That's all I'll say on teh subject.

I'm a big fan of your work LadyT.
I'm a big fan of your work LadyT.

Cawacko don’t start making comments about porn, because I haven’t forgotten how I broke you a couple of years ago and got you to admit you are a pornified, pig of a man, who needs to cut down because you were starting to expect women to act like porn stars. I can only hope you have cut back, but I suspect differently! :)