Radio Show

First of all "literally 50 times a day" is a misnomer. You can't do it 50 times a day, so stop. Secondly, why are you teaching poor Water these things? Once a week? What kind of women have you been dating Beefy?

I could do it 50 times a day. But my point was that the guy almost always wants sex more often than the woman.

I believe that's because for a guy, sex is mounting on a soft, beautiful luscious being with bosoms, and his willis gets to go into a warm, safe, happy place.

For a woman, sex is some hairy beast stabbing at you and making horrible noises.

Check mate.
Porn is DISGUSTING! I would never EVER reduce myself to watching such FILTH!!

America is so damned prude its pathetic.

I'm not referring to religious morality (i.e. whether or not you burn in hell or not). I'm referring to the morality concerning committment. You either care for her/him or you don't - enough to cheat or be faithful. Otherwise its a farce and someone should be dumped. There's always prostitutes in Nevada to fulfill those needs that porn can't satisfy...
I'm not referring to religious morality (i.e. whether or not you burn in hell or not). I'm referring to the morality concerning committment. You either care for her/him or you don't - enough to cheat or be faithful. Otherwise its a farce and someone should be dumped. There's always prostitutes in Nevada to fulfill those needs that porn can't satisfy...

Porn is not cheating. That's absurd.
I'm not referring to religious morality (i.e. whether or not you burn in hell or not). I'm referring to the morality concerning committment. You either care for her/him or you don't - enough to cheat or be faithful. Otherwise its a farce and someone should be dumped. There's always prostitutes in Nevada to fulfill those needs that wives can't satisfy...

fixed that for ya.
12 * 60 = 720
720/50 = 14.4

Once every 15 minutes, that's about accurate Darla. Don't know why you're being so negative. Beefy is my wise master, a knower-of-all things who provides me with perfect adivce on how to live my life that can't be debated. So go off to the woman zone.

So you know, there are more than 12 hours in a day. It's about every half hour. And I can, and will pull it off at some point.
fixed that for ya.

Not at all. Perhaps I was unclear. I said that the relationship has become a farce, so you should just "shag-up" with various chicks as they come along. Now, since they are unavailable much of the time, and porn is supposed to be the subsitute, then you could be living in Nevada and never need porn because of the prostitutes (unless you can't afford them)...
So you know, there are more than 12 hours in a day. It's about every half hour. And I can, and will pull it off at some point.

You can't have sex at night! ALthough 16 (the ultra-capitalist workday) would've been more appropriate, if you've noticed, I tend to do stuff like this.