Radio Show

:corn: now that sounds like a good story. Tell us Darla, how did you cut him down?

Well, I was arguing with someone, I forgot who, about pornography degrading women and how it has leaked over into our general culture, and we had become a pornified society. And Cawacko got involved somehow, but I kept poking at him and he finally broke down and admitted it did skewer how he viewed women, and for that confession, he got ridden by this liberal poster, Euc, for not knowing the difference between porn and real life, but that is because euc was a nasty guy, and I think, a porn user himself looking to bash Cawacko for making him look bad.
It was very interesting actually. I’m certain Cawacko doesn’t mind my recounting it here! lol
Cawacko don’t start making comments about porn, because I haven’t forgotten how I broke you a couple of years ago and got you to admit you are a pornified, pig of a man, who needs to cut down because you were starting to expect women to act like porn stars. I can only hope you have cut back, but I suspect differently! :)

Hey! What I said was I ordered the Playboy channel for a semester in college and it made me think every women would just walk in my room, strip and want to get together. Well it obviously doesn't work that way so much to the chagrin (sp?) of the guys living around me I cancelled the Playboy channel.
Hey! What I said was I ordered the Playboy channel for a semester in college and it made me think every women would just walk in my room, strip and want to get together. Well it obviously doesn't work that way so much to the chagrin (sp?) of the guys living around me I cancelled the Playboy channel.

Oh. Sometimes I misremember things, and embellish them. You are not the first man to point that out to me. But I always find my version to be the more amusing.
I personally agree with her that watching porn is cheating. However, I'll agree that she didn't behave in a very "jilted" manner. She would have been perfectly justified in dumping him and walking away (and naturally, giving up the house...). But this stunt just makes her look like a foolish hypocrite.

I really can't understand though why men in relationships think its okay to view porn. Even some married men do it.
I personally agree with her that watching porn is cheating. However, I'll agree that she didn't behave in a very "jilted" manner. She would have been perfectly justified in dumping him and walking away (and naturally, giving up the house...). But this stunt just makes her look like a foolish hypocrite.

I really can't understand though why men in relationships think its okay to view porn. Even some married men do it.

Are you male or female?

Are you kidding me?
I personally agree with her that watching porn is cheating. However, I'll agree that she didn't behave in a very "jilted" manner. She would have been perfectly justified in dumping him and walking away (and naturally, giving up the house...). But this stunt just makes her look like a foolish hypocrite.

I really can't understand though why men in relationships think its okay to view porn. Even some married men do it.

Why is it not ok for men in relationships to watch porn ?
Porn is DISGUSTING! I would never EVER reduce myself to watching such FILTH!!

America is so damned prude its pathetic.
I don't understand why you'd need porn if you had a women to have sex with? You're hand probably isn't ever going to compare to a vagina.

Most guys have larger sex drives than women, though, and I guess it'd be OK to use it instead of constantly asking for sex. I'm 18, I could probably do it 10 times a day. Gotta go check on that, guys.
Porn is DISGUSTING! I would never EVER reduce myself to watching such FILTH!!

America is so damned prude its pathetic.

In Japan, a non-Christian society, they often make sexual references, even in children's videos. Curiously, they have a lower rate of all sexual crimes than America...
There's quite a bit of evidence that an increase of pornographic material is correlated with a decrease in sex crimes. You've gotta give the 40-year old virgin something to wack off to...
I don't understand why you'd need porn if you had a women to have sex with? You're hand probably isn't ever going to compare to a vagina.

Most guys have larger sex drives than women, though, and I guess it'd be OK to use it instead of constantly asking for sex. I'm 18, I could probably do it 10 times a day. Gotta go check on that, guys.

Once you get laid, it will all become clear.

Your woman isn't going to give you enough sex, ever, ever. Because you'll want it literally 50 times a day, and she's cool with it once a week. Porn fills in the blanks.
Once you get laid, it will all become clear.

Your woman isn't going to give you enough sex, ever, ever. Because you'll want it literally 50 times a day, and she's cool with it once a week. Porn fills in the blanks.


Yes, I imagine that I'll probably never want to stop, and how that could annoy a woman. 50 times a week is a gross underestimation.
Once you get laid, it will all become clear.

Your woman isn't going to give you enough sex, ever, ever. Because you'll want it literally 50 times a day, and she's cool with it once a week. Porn fills in the blanks.

First of all "literally 50 times a day" is a misnomer. You can't do it 50 times a day, so stop. Secondly, why are you teaching poor Water these things? Once a week? What kind of women have you been dating Beefy?
First of all "literally 50 times a day" is a misnomer. You can't do it 50 times a day, so stop. Secondly, why are you teaching poor Water these things? Once a week? What kind of women have you been dating Beefy?

12 * 60 = 720
720/50 = 14.4

Once every 15 minutes, that's about accurate Darla. Don't know why you're being so negative. Beefy is my wise master, a knower-of-all things who provides me with perfect adivce on how to live my life that can't be debated. So go off to the woman zone.
Also, Beefy, the "What kind of woman have you been dating?" part, definitely a come on. She's talking about how much better she wants to be treating you.

This point cannot be debated Darla!
12 * 60 = 720
720/50 = 14.4

Once every 15 minutes, that's about accurate Darla. Don't know why you're being so negative. Beefy is my wise master, a knower-of-all things who provides me with perfect adivce on how to live my life that can't be debated. So go off to the woman zone.

Do you want to have sex with an actual woman, or with Beefy? Because the answer to that should guide you on whose advice you should be following!