Will this mean union workers will not vote for democrats in 2024. I expect union workers will not forget this and I mean all union workers not just railroad workers
Rail workers are speaking out after Congress voted last week to avoid an industry strike that could have had catastrophic economic consequences.
BNSF railroad conductor Justin Schaaf told The Associated Press that he had to choose between getting a cavity filled or attending his son's 7th birthday party.
"Ultimately I decided to take the day off for my kid’s birthday party," he said. "Then when I am finally able to get into the dentist four, five, six months later, the tooth is too bad to repair at that point, so I have to get the tooth pulled out."
Schaaf said that if he had the option of taking a sick day, he "would have never been in that situation" and said recent actions by Congress were discouraging but not surprising.
On Friday, President Biden signed bipartisan legislation, congratulating lawmakers for helping to avert "what could have been a real disaster."
The president acknowledged that more work needs to be done.
"Look, I know this bill doesn't have paid sick leave, that these rail workers and, frankly, every worker in America deserves. But that fight isn't over," he said.
Roadway mechanic Reece Murtagh was more direct, telling CNN Friday that unionized workers' collective bargaining rights have been "trampled on."
"Their voice has not been heard, they voted against the contract," Murtagh said. "We have a pro-labor president who loves to, you know, pat himself on the back for that, and when the going got tough, he turned his back on the people he’s supposed to be looking out for."
The newly enacted law codifies a July deal negotiated by rail unions and the administration that would raise workers' pay by 24% over a five-year period from 2020 through 2024, including an immediate payout on average of $11,000 upon ratification.
The agreement passed by Congress was approved by eight of 12 transportation unions involved in negotiations.
The four dissenting unions said the deal was unfair because it included insufficient paid-sick leave time. They had asked for seven paid sick days, but Congress did not include their demand in the bill, despite an effort from progressive lawmakers and even some conservatives, to amend the legislation.
Biden defended the contract, citing wage increases.