Raise your own Chilckens!

Trump is making fun of you here, Sybil...and you don't even get it! :laugh:
One daughter and she only buys range chicken eggs from him.

Do you work at the Reef Club…waiting tables…though all work is inspirational but all work is not aspirational.
She tells you she only buys eggs, but she knows details of his job and apartment, seems you are in denial.

I do not work here, I stay here about once a year.
Thanks. Good article. So far the experts are unsure if the cats can infect each other. If that happens, and if the virus in humans becomes transmissible from person to person, we likely could have another pandemic.

Hmm. Maybe Gaia is trying to tell us something about electing Trump. lol
The good news is that medical researchers already have a vaccine. https://asm.org/Articles/2025/March/Avian-Influenza-H5N1-Vaccines-What-Status

The better news is that MAGAts are unlikely to take it or let their children take it. :thup:
She tells you she only buys eggs, but she knows details of his job and apartment, seems you are in denial.

I do not work here, I stay here about once a year.
He has a 20 acre plus property and built a home that looks like about five mil.

As I said, she buys his eggs…at 3 dollars per dozen.
They must lie and deny reality in order to save face. We know they were duped by a conman. THEY know they were duped, but they will never, ever have the integrity or the courage to admit it.
No doubt true for some but for most, at least the JPP MAGAts, they appear to deny reality because they are delusional. In short, they truly believe what they are posting because they are demented, stupid and/or gullible.
The good news is that medical researchers already have a vaccine. https://asm.org/Articles/2025/March/Avian-Influenza-H5N1-Vaccines-What-Status

The better news is that MAGAts are unlikely to take it or let their children take it. :thup:

Good beans.

I've been on various parrot groups/list serves since the late 1990s. There have been periodic outbreaks of disease among America's poultry flocks -- West Nile, influenzas, Exotic New Castle Disease. People with parrots who live in climates where they can be kept outside in nice weather worry greatly about these outbreaks. During the END contagion, there was a lot of talk about "the authorities" going house to house in California and confiscating pet birds kept indoors. I never heard that this actually happened though.

These outbreaks always cause the mass slaughter of flocks with resulting higher prices until things stabilize again. Eventually all avians that survive will develop a measure of herd immunity like they have with the West Nile. Unfortunately for us the transmission to non-avian species gives the flu virus more opportunity to mutate and thus negate immunity -- and vaccines.