Raise your own Chilckens!

It sounds like you had free-range chickens. Where did they go at night, and did you also have to buy feed for them?
I had a small coop for them at night which included covered nesting boxes. They were all hens. I did buy a little feed for them to attract them to the coop in the evening and during fall and winter.

I never did a cost benefit analysis since their main purpose was reducing the bug population. The eggs were secondary.
Now you claim to be a women, Sybil???
Good beans.

I've been on various parrot groups/list serves since the late 1990s. There have been periodic outbreaks of disease among America's poultry flocks -- West Nile, influenzas, Exotic New Castle Disease. People with parrots who live in climates where they can be kept outside in nice weather worry greatly about these outbreaks. During the END contagion, there was a lot of talk about "the authorities" going house to house in California and confiscating pet birds kept indoors. I never heard that this actually happened though.

These outbreaks always cause the mass slaughter of flocks with resulting higher prices until things stabilize again. Eventually all avians that survive will develop a measure of herd immunity like they have with the West Nile. Unfortunately for us the transmission to non-avian species gives the flu virus more opportunity to mutate and thus negate immunity -- and vaccines.
Why do you hate chickens?? You want to just slaughter them because they MIGHT get infected with something.
I raised chickens for a time, mostly because they are great as a natural insecticide by eating bugs and turning that into eggs. It was a twofer. The bad news was that they are stupid. Letting them run around free to eat bugs made them vulnerable to stray dogs, going out into the road and getting hit by a speeding truck and, among the bugs were grasshoppers which would cause them to choke to death. I must have gone through 15 of them on batches of 3 to 5 before I switched to ducks as bug killers. They were smarter, but no eggs except in season. I also had a goose which was a great natural alarm system for intruders. I had her for several years before she disappeared, which indicates a coyote got her. She'd lay eggs every few days around Easter.
You never raised chickens or ducks, Sybil. Stop making shit up.
I had a small coop for them at night which included covered nesting boxes. They were all hens. I did buy a little feed for them to attract them to the coop in the evening and during fall and winter.

I never did a cost benefit analysis since their main purpose was reducing the bug population. The eggs were secondary.
You never raised chickens or duck, Sybil. Stop making shit up.
That's not what you MAGA morons were saying prior to January 20th. Then it was also an avian flu problem, but the blame actually went to the President.

Explain to the board why the massive flip flop occurred right after January 20th.

One more time for the jackasses.
"And I'm getting a lot of flak in some of my other responses because I only found out last week about this bird flu thing. This is the only thing that grinds my gears regarding president tater head and his idiot "press secretary". I would have been screaming about the bird flu 24/7. But here are the usual suspects blaming Trump for it and then calling me stupid for not knowing it was the bird flu."

I kept wondering why the emphasis was on eggs, when prices on everything were so high. I thought it was just inflation. It took the Trump department of agriculture to explain it! In other words, it took the Trump administration to get the convicted melon off the hook!

To be clear, inflation definitely played a role in the high price of virtually everything, and I blame inflation on the tater head.

None of you are going to change my mind, and I'm not responding to anymore egg threads.