Raise your own Chilckens!

Try and do better. Farmers markets cannot make up the loss of millions of chickens. The problem is bird flu. Why do you think people raising chickens would not have the same problems, yet have to deal with them with less experience and knowledge? How does any of this solve the problem. ? Answer, it was a stupid response by a Trump and you should have been able to understand it is not workable. But it is beyond you.

Most things are beyond Toxic TOP's understanding. You are right. Wild birds from raptors to sparrows are succumbing to the avian influenza. Several people I know IRL who used to keep a backyard chicken flock have lost their birds due to the infection. It's going to get worse as the spring migrations commence. We have plenty of space and no ordinances against chickens here, but I won't risk it because we have parrots. We understand biosecurity and practice it, but even so it is not worth the risk to them.

It's amusing that BEFORE the election, Toxic was one of the loudest MAGATs screaming about prices and demanding Biden do something. Now it's crickets.
No one is claiming that anything will make up for the huge loss...There are no problems with raising chickens here...It's not about solving a problem that we have no control over...it's making life better for you and your family...why do you hate that idea? It's a great idea, btw...I don't know where you live, but I would bet you have coops, farmer's markets, local vendors, etc. If you want to kick and scream and be miserable, though, that's your choice...
My daughter buys eggs from a man who just bought a large amount of very expensive land. She says that she thinks he is a mafia guy just raising chickens for a hobby. I think he only charges 3 dollars a dozen.

They are range chickens and the eggs are the best…and cheap.
Let them eat cake!

In response to demands that The Felon honor his promise to lower food prices, the commerce secretary said people should raise their own chickens!

Wow, how arrogant and tone deaf can they be?

Most poor people live in apartments or housing complexes with rules against that. Additionally, when you have two jobs, raising chickens is time prohibitive.

Akin to Marie Antoinette telling the starving French middle class to eat cake.
At least they didn’t say “learn to code”

BTW I do raise my own chickens. I have all the eggs I need. I could sell you some for $7.99 a dozen

I think it is cute that you believe Biden having millions of hens slaughtered has nothing to do with the rising price of eggs
Y'all are sksckin
Pretty easy isn't it? They would cry if eggs were a dollar a dozen... It would just be a different gripe... Are they ever not complaining?

Most things are beyond Toxic TOP's understanding. You are right. Wild birds from raptors to sparrows are succumbing to the avian influenza. Several people I know IRL who used to keep a backyard chicken flock have lost their birds due to the infection. It's going to get worse as the spring migrations commence. We have plenty of space and no ordinances against chickens here, but I won't risk it because we have parrots. We understand biosecurity and practice it, but even so it is not worth the risk to them.

It's amusing that BEFORE the election, Toxic was one of the loudest MAGATs screaming about prices and demanding Biden do something. Now it's crickets.
Or “cheap goods isn’t the American dream”
I'm not saying it is. I don't "blame" anyone for this. I guess we can discuss this as a committee though. You and comrade nomad can be on a sub-committee that comes up with a list of things that are "not a part of the solution".

And I'm getting a lot of flak in some of my other responses because I only found out last week about this bird flu thing. This is the only thing that grinds my gears regarding president tater head and his idiot "press secretary". I would have been screaming about the bird flu 24/7. But here are the usual suspects blaming Trump for it and then calling me stupid for not knowing it was the bird flu.

Maybe the fault lies with you. The rest of us have known about the avian flu for a coupole of years now. It's been in the news for well over a year, as it appears to be infecting cattle now, and also humans who work closely with poultry and farm animals. So far we've been fortunate that it hasn't managed to become transmissible from human to human. The more ppl are infected by animal transmission, though, the more likely this becomes.
I do. I haven't paid for eggs directly for years. I'd love to see them keeping chickens in NYC. They have balconies, right? LOL

Prices will come down... as soon as we aren't killing entire flocks for bird flu outbreaks. I don't think it will be too much longer.
There are plenty of low/sale prices to balance out anything that might be higher right now...don't you all go shopping? Message me if you need budgeting tips...I'm happy to help...

Funny how there was plenty of all that stuff prior to Nov. 2024, but you "forgot" to mention it during one of your many howlings about how Biden was hurting the ppl so horribly.
At least they didn’t say “learn to code”

BTW I do raise my own chickens. I have all the eggs I need. I could sell you some for $7.99 a dozen

I think it is cute that you believe Biden having millions of hens slaughtered has nothing to do with the rising price of eggs
None of their comments are actually about eggs or chickens...
Local eggs here this week were $5 a dozen for chicken and $8 a dozen for duck...production has been plentiful lately...;)
If you knew anything about history you would know she never said that.
Same image weather his
At least they didn’t say “learn to code”

BTW I do raise my own chickens. I have all the eggs I need. I could sell you some for $7.99 a dozen

I think it is cute that you believe Biden having millions of hens slaughtered has nothing to do with the rising price of eggs
biden did not have millions of hens murdered. Dip shit!