rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows


on indefiniate mod break
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2742778 said:
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.

You should visit some moderated sites, before you make these bogus posturing claims. There is a 70% chance you are just trolling though, with the vibes you always give off.
Racism is hate. If you want hate on your forum don't change a thing. I rarely learn a thing on this forum because of the ignorant name calling childishness, but I do hang out here. I mod other forums and would have permabanned 3 or 4 of these people in a day. But...this is a bigger, busier and probably more profitable forum than any of them. So huh, I guess you gotta decide what you want.
You should visit some moderated sites, before you make these bogus posturing claims. There is a 70% chance you are just trolling though, with the vibes you always give off.

Fuck me rigid, it's easier to get rid of genital herpes than to get rid of Bowel Woman and Jaded Lizard!
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2743705 said:
both owl and jade are pretty chill. you shouldn't hate on so many people.

Yeh don't believe you, both of them said they were leaving and now they've come crawling back.
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2742778 said:
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.


A truer statement has never been uttered.

Just look at how they wanted thread banning and now they're bitching about it. :D
The problem is always what is racism is in the eye of the beholder. I got dinked elsewhere simply for saying that kids need something tangible to understand math, so inner city schools should make dividing up bags of drugs math word problems since with EBT they aren't going to have a lot of loose change to help them understand fractions.
The problem is always what is racism is in the eye of the beholder. I got dinked elsewhere simply for saying that kids need something tangible to understand math, so inner city schools should make dividing up bags of drugs math word problems since with EBT they aren't going to have a lot of loose change to help them understand fractions.

But liberals want certain comments made by anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with them, to be considered racist; but what they say, shouldn't be looked at the same.
But liberals want certain comments made by anyone who doesn't walk in lockstep with them, to be considered racist; but what they say, shouldn't be looked at the same.

I am aware of that. I was just illustrating a situation when I got hit for racism when I didn't even say a word about black people. That is how subjective it gets. Democrats have horrible paternalistic tendencies that manifest as microagression that they simply cannot see--blacks, women, LGBTQYRECZMP's or whatever the hell they call it now, non-Christian religions, etc etc etc.
I think CFM and guno are the two biggest 'racists' on the Forum. I don't think you can start classifying racism by a 'Conservative/Liberal' label.

ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2742778 said:
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.
My prediction:

Grind would let virulent and obvious racism from the right slide under the slogan "Facts aren't racist!" While he would enforce to the letter anything that could be considered even the most mild criticism of white people with respect to their treatment of other races.
My prediction:

Grind would let virulent and obvious racism from the right slide under the slogan "Facts aren't racist!" While he would enforce to the letter anything that could be considered even the most mild criticism of white people with respect to their treatment of other races.

So he would defend you, seeing as how you're the "whitest" white boy on here. :D
The first thing liberals do is accuse conservatives as being racist. They'd be screaming to ban anyone who disagrees with them. It would turn this place into another "cesspool."