rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows

i have not heard peterson say that but... I hate to break it to you mott but I am very perceptive and quite likely a genius on this stuff. I use deep level analysis everyday. it's not very groundbreaking to pontificate that liberals like disorder. they are always protesting, hate police, hate america, hate traditional values, and seek to deconstruct anything that is normal.
In light of the news that Watermark has sex with a woman this is all irrelevant now. The end times are upon us!
I think CFM and guno are the two biggest 'racists' on the Forum. I don't think you can start classifying racism by a 'Conservative/Liberal' label.

Every Political Forum needs their Pets ... ;)

I just put all these idiots on ignore, and because their vocabulary is reduced one word ... it's not like they're taking up much space. :laugh:
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.

What “rules” are those? Threadsbans aren’t rules, they are features of the site. I hadn’t realized liberals proposed rules. I thought those were always mod generated as a result of previous experiences or problems that arose as of incidences on this forum.
What “rules” are those? Threadsbans aren’t rules, they are features of the site. I hadn’t realized liberals proposed rules. I thought those were always mod generated as a result of previous experiences or problems that arose as of incidences on this forum.

i wrote 12c literally cause I got nagged. threadbanning was also put into place in part to placate liberals that always whined why people weren't banned. APP as well.
nope I was just thinking the other day how much liberals failed at rule 12b, or fail in APP. they fail everywhere. Everytime I have talked to a conservative on this board straight up they've been super chill and accommodating. liberals always break their word and promises.
Both sides break those rules, even the King of APP broke the rule, it’s interesting you only blame the liberals and claim conservatives are super chill. I say it’s just your perception.
Both sides break those rules, even the King of APP broke the rule, it’s interesting you only blame the liberals and claim conservatives are super chill. I say it’s just your perception.

liberals are def less chill and have zero sense of humor. case in point, you can't help but nag me right now. nag nag nag. damn it's exhausting. although that might be more of a woman thing than a liberal thing. but combine the two? the worst. :smh:
i wrote 12c literally cause I got nagged. threadbanning was also put into place in part to placate liberals that always whined why people weren't banned. APP as well.
12c is never enforced, so it’s a useless rule.

The only liberalsls who who complain about thread bans are those that never wanted them in the first place. The same with APP. I believe the people who petitioned for it are no longer here.
12c is never enforced, so it’s a useless rule.

The only liberalsls who who complain about thread bans are those that never wanted them in the first place. The same with APP. I believe the people who petitioned for it are no longer here.

perhaps we should get rid of it :thinking:
liberals are def less chill and have zero sense of humor. case in point, you can't help but nag me right now. nag nag nag. damn it's exhausting. although that might be more of a woman thing than a liberal thing. but combine the two? the worst. :smh:
Lol, you consider anything a woman says to you nagging! I love when you troll, it’s so infantile.
i have not heard peterson say that but... I hate to break it to you mott but I am very perceptive and quite likely a genius on this stuff. I use deep level analysis everyday. it's not very groundbreaking to pontificate that liberals like disorder. they are always protesting, hate police, hate america, hate traditional values, and seek to deconstruct anything that is normal.
No this is hilarious, who says I don’t have a sense of humor, this is the funniest thing I have read all day.
You should visit some moderated sites, before you make these bogus posturing claims. There is a 70% chance you are just trolling though, with the vibes you always give off.

Lol, I just saw that domer is permabanned on another site I visit, so, grind is absolutely right. Bourbon (Cigar) is banned there as well.
liberals are def less chill and have zero sense of humor. case in point, you can't help but nag me right now. nag nag nag. damn it's exhausting. although that might be more of a woman thing than a liberal thing. but combine the two? the worst. :smh:

(I think Miss Phantasmal is a Religious Conservative. She's the one that said people shouldn't have sex until they are 25, ... when their brains are fully developed)
(I think Miss Phantasmal is a Religious Conservative. She's the one that said people shouldn't have sex until they are 25, ... when their brains are fully developed)
You continue to misquote me, and my being a Religious Conservative is hilarious.
You continue to misquote me, and my being a Religious Conservative is hilarious.

No. I'm quoting you AND Evince about the "25 is when the brain is fully developed", and YOUR opinion that people shouldn't have sex until their brain is fully developed.
ALSO, you are in favor of Muslim kids being able to take their Prayer Rugs to School so they can Pray, ... and then telling me THAT is in the Constitution.

'Religious Conservative'. There's NO getting around it!