rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows

No. I'm quoting you AND Evince about the "25 is when the brain is fully developed", and YOUR opinion that people shouldn't have sex until their brain is fully developed.
ALSO, you are in favor of Muslim kids being able to take their Prayer Rugs to School so they can Pray, ... and then telling me THAT is in the Constitution.

'Religious Conservative'. There's NO getting around it!
Okay, whatever gets you through the day and you are still misrepresenting what I stated, but I’ve a feeling it’s your forte’, so carry on, but you aren’t paying attention if you call me a religious conservative. It makes me laugh, thanks
Okay, whatever gets you through the day and you are still misrepresenting what I stated, but I’ve a feeling it’s your forte’, so carry on, but you aren’t paying attention if you call me a religious conservative. It makes me laugh, thanks

I'm sure here at Nazi Central you are considered 'Moderate'. Compared to CFM, you are to the left of him. Compared to the Saudi Prince dick swallower, Volsrock, you are a 'Centrist'. Compared to Grugore the Insane, you are of a 'reasonable' Faith.

In the REAL WORLD, ... you are a 'Religious Conservative'. (Own it)
(I think Miss Phantasmal is a Religious Conservative. She's the one that said people shouldn't have sex until they are 25, ... when their brains are fully developed)

Nah, she's a lefty. It's just that you're to the left of Chairman Mao. ;) You prolly think Karl Marx was a RWNJ.
Okay, whatever gets you through the day and you are still misrepresenting what I stated, but I’ve a feeling it’s your forte’, so carry on, but you aren’t paying attention if you call me a religious conservative. It makes me laugh, thanks

I think he's "off" a little. :D
I'm sure here at Nazi Central you are considered 'Moderate'. Compared to CFM, you are to the left of him. Compared to the Saudi Prince dick swallower, Volsrock, you are a 'Centrist'. Compared to Grugore the Insane, you are of a 'reasonable' Faith.

In the REAL WORLD, ... you are a 'Religious Conservative'. (Own it)
What religion would you guess?
I was raised Catholic as well. Gave it up for Lent.

Yeah, Lent can be a bummer. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Catholicism. There's something to be said about worshiping by rote. I mean that seriously, no sarcasm. As long as you don't lose the meaning of the words you are reciting.
Yeah, Lent can be a bummer. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Catholicism. There's something to be said about worshiping by rote. I mean that seriously, no sarcasm. As long as you don't lose the meaning of the words you are reciting.
I honor it because it was the religion of my parents who were two of the finest people I’ve ever known. They walked the walk.
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.

That's gonna leave a mark. :laugh: