rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows

Well, in a world without pen and paper—or literacy—in most cases, prayer and chant makes perfect sense. Even now, it is still quite useful.

hahahaha ... and now Miss Phantasmal says "Thank You" and begins to clap and cheer. (I have her pictured as Holding Snakes, Dancing in a Circle, and Talking in Tongues)
hahahaha ... and now Miss Phantasmal says "Thank You" and begins to clap and cheer. (I have her pictured as Holding Snakes, Dancing in a Circle, and Talking in Tongues)
Those only happen when I use to harvest my weed.
I'm sure different Cults have different 'Holy Sites'. (I can't keep up with them all)

For your historical edification, Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church when Rome wouldn't grant him a divorce from his first wife. The highest-ranking Anglican cleric, therefore, is not in Rome. Actually, I said Westminster, when I should have said Canterbury. Anglicanism is probably the only sect ever founded upon divorce, so, it is certainly unique, if not reputable.
For your historical edification, Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church when Rome wouldn't grant him a divorce from his first wife. The highest-ranking Anglican cleric, therefore, is not in Rome. Actually, I said Westminster, when I should have said Canterbury. Anglicanism is probably the only sect ever founded upon divorce, so, it is certainly unique, if not reputable.

See! Even you can't keep up with it all.
1. I bet Miss Phantasmal would have known that.
2. Isn't the Anglican Church (Church of England) the same as the Roman Church except they have a different Main Dude?

I think the Roman Church was expelled from the Orthodox Church because the Bishop in Rome thought he should be above all the other Bishops and be considered the Main Dude rather than One of Many.
"Eastern Orthodox Catholics and Roman Catholics are the result of what is known as the East-West Schism (or Great Schism) of 1054, when medieval Christianity split into two branches."

"The Byzantine split with Roman Catholicism came about when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, King of the Franks, as Holy Roman Emperor in 800. From the Byzantine viewpoint, this was a slap to the Eastern Emperor and the Byzantine Empire itself — an empire that had withstood barbarian invasions and upheld the faith for centuries. After Rome fell in 476, Byzantium was the only vestige of the Holy Roman Empire."
See! Even you can't keep up with it all.
1. I bet Miss Phantasmal would have known that.
2. Isn't the Anglican Church (Church of England) the same as the Roman Church except they have a different Main Dude?

I think the Roman Church was expelled from the Orthodox Church because the Bishop in Rome thought he should be above all the other Bishops and be considered the Main Dude rather than One of Many.

No, the only true schism within the Church was the Eastern Orthodox, due to largely cultural issues. The Eastern bishops didn't think it was fair that one office was elevated above the rest, and could make decisions that favored the West. The Anglican Church, being so obviously farcical in how it was founded, actually underwent a protestant reformation movement following the death of Henry. The only sentiment it really shares with the Catholic/Orthodox churches is the concept of "orthodoxy," which it always used to look down on the other protestant churches. Similarly, Luther wanted to maintain much of the Catholic/Orthodox liturgical customs, so, he formulated his own, similar doctrine on the Eucharist (called transubstantiation, vs the Catholic consubstantiation), and modeled his services on the Mass.
No, the only true schism within the Church was the Eastern Orthodox, due to largely cultural issues. The Eastern bishops didn't think it was fair that one office was elevated above the rest, and could make decisions that favored the West. The Anglican Church, being so obviously farcical in how it was founded, actually underwent a protestant reformation movement following the death of Henry. The only sentiment it really shares with the Catholic/Orthodox churches is the concept of "orthodoxy," which it always used to look down on the other protestant churches. Similarly, Luther wanted to maintain much of the Catholic/Orthodox liturgical customs, so, he formulated his own, similar doctrine on the Eucharist (called transubstantiation, vs the Catholic consubstantiation), and modeled his services on the Mass.

"... so, he formulated his own, similar doctrine on the Eucharist (called transubstantiation, vs the Catholic consubstantiation), and ..."
Well, yeah sure, but a lot of that stuff is illegal now, plus I don't want to get a 12b violation so will NOT discuss this with you.
Rana isnt even remotely religious, are you sane?

People that believe other people shouldn't have sex until they are 25 have usually been brainwashed by their parents that sex is bad. Sex is a basic ingredient to all Life, those that condemn it have been conditioned by Religious Belief to carry that notion. It's not normal, it's deviant, it's contrary to all Lifeforms to have that opinion. These Religious types have a difficult time ever enjoying sex, it's really a case of child abuse by the parents.
People that believe other people shouldn't have sex until they are 25 have usually been brainwashed by their parents that sex is bad. Sex is a basic ingredient to all Life, those that condemn it have been conditioned by Religious Belief to carry that notion. It's not normal, it's deviant, it's contrary to all Lifeforms to have that opinion. These Religious types have a difficult time ever enjoying sex, it's really a case of child abuse by the parents.

So you're an authority on sex in religion now?
So you're an authority on sex in religion now?

Well, I have a Story about a Pentecostal girl from Indiana that became a Hooker that I could share as a perfect example, but, unfortunately, I don't have the time right now.
Well, I have a Story about a Pentecostal girl from Indiana that became a Hooker that I could share as a perfect example, but, unfortunately, I don't have the time right now.

Make sure you share it in your teachings then, professor.
You could ask Miss Phantasmal about her sex life after living through the Religious abuse that she went through as a child.

Why would I want to pry into another's personal life? It's none of my business.
It seems to be your's though...
Why would I want to pry into another's personal life? It's none of my business.
It seems to be your's though...

I'm sure she would help you understand what a Religious upbringing can do to a young girls sex life. Tragic. (Maybe years of Therapy?)