rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows

so are you a statue bowing rosary swinging incense huffer or a garden variety cross licker

I'm sure she would help you understand what a Religious upbringing can do to a young girls sex life. Tragic. (Maybe years of Therapy?)

So, because of one person's experience, you pass judgement on everyone?
Typical liberal...
Yes you do. I'm afraid you may have toppled over into the 'Dark Side'.

LOL! This coming from one who's light is so dim?
Shouldn't you be out desecrating manger scenes put out by those "cultists"?
People that believe other people shouldn't have sex until they are 25 have usually been brainwashed by their parents that sex is bad. Sex is a basic ingredient to all Life, those that condemn it have been conditioned by Religious Belief to carry that notion. It's not normal, it's deviant, it's contrary to all Lifeforms to have that opinion. These Religious types have a difficult time ever enjoying sex, it's really a case of child abuse by the parents.

There is a huge economic incentive to abstain from sex, as much as possible, until you're are about that age. In fact, modern society has added additional layers of incentive, because of how often sex can lead to legal problems (particularly where young people can be found, such as college campuses).
There is a huge economic incentive to abstain from sex, as much as possible, until you're are about that age. In fact, modern society has added additional layers of incentive, because of how often sex can lead to legal problems (particularly where young people can be found, such as college campuses).

Correction: there is a huge economic incentive to make sure the chick doesn't know your name, where you work, or where you live.
There is a huge economic incentive to abstain from sex, as much as possible, until you're are about that age. In fact, modern society has added additional layers of incentive, because of how often sex can lead to legal problems (particularly where young people can be found, such as college campuses).

I think Birth Control has solved that problem.
You could ask Miss Phantasmal about her sex life after living through the Religious abuse that she went through as a child.
You’re quite the Drama Queen, I’m sure you have submitted manuscripts to Harlequin but were rejected, so now you plague messageboards with your imagination. Keep trying! [h=3][/h]
You’re quite the Drama Queen, I’m sure you have submitted manuscripts to Harlequin but were rejected, so now you plague messageboards with your imagination. Keep trying! [h=3][/h]

I was just trying to help. I figured you could tell of the misfortune that befell you by religious parents. Your very Soul is telling you one thing, ... then your Religious Authorities are telling you just the opposite, bringing up Devils and Demons and the Prospect of Hell and Eternal Damnation. Or ... you could just skip a lot of the details and just recount the years of Therapy you went through. Naturally, if it's too painful, you don't have to say a word or you can always say "I'm completely normal, everything is fine" and hope people will believe you.

(I'm concerned about RB60, he seems to have some major conflicts going on)
The difference between you and I is that I stopped waiting.

So you say.

You thought buying that cow you married a ring you could barely afford would entitle you to sex on demand for the rest of your life.

How's that working for you? :rofl2: