rana and countryboy discuss what type of religion she follows

As usual, a brilliant dead on analysis from Grind

Liberals never think rules apply to them. They are there to silence and marginalize political opponents.

Unfortunately too many Republicans/RINOs/NeverTrumpers don’t understand this. They actually believe leftists are “good people” and they just “disagree”

That is not the case.

I would love to see a break down of right v left of Rule 12b violators. My guess is that leftists are greater offenders

I still laugh about the rules JPP leftists demanded to put in place to silence me like thread banning. Now leftists whine about thread banning. The other irony is that many of the JPP leftists who spent so much time trying to get me banned are now gone like Bijou, Dantes, Howie, Tekkychick and of course Darla. Others have just been marginalized as irrelevant like KKKhristiefan and Zipperhead
The first thing liberals do is accuse conservatives as being racist. They'd be screaming to ban anyone who disagrees with them. It would turn this place into another "cesspool."

Perhaps if some of you didn't give them so much to work with ....
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2745487 said:
i believe you mean delusions

Either way, RB 60 is correct. Owl Woman was like a leader of an MS13 faction on another forum. She was less successful at it in this forum. As for Jade Dragon, I confess that trying to help him into adulthood has been a bit like slapping Bambi.
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2742778 said:
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.

They might drop like flies at first but this wouldn't be about racism, that would just be the first thing. Other rules would be proposed in the name of instilling a "civil" atmosphere. As they well know though the benefit of having too many rules is dictatorship. Give me enough rules to quote and I can claim anything is against the rules...or within the rules depending on who violated. This isn't about rules, I've seen this before at other forums, in the end this is really about controlling moderation and when it happens it kills the site.
ᗣ !GHOST TRAIN! ᗣ;2743720 said:
who cares

Well clearly many who have known them for years on Amazon care. They all seem to say that Bowel Woman is a truly odious Darla clone and Jaded Lizard is another Zappa retard.
first, don't worry we support free speech and we are never doing that.

but as a thought experiment, I would predict the conservatives here would mostly understand the new rules, and quickly adapt. there would be a few exceptions, but i think conservatives in general understand structure, order, and social harmony.

jpp leftists however would quickly fuck it up. they would think they are oh so special and think the rules don't apply to them, or merely exist as a means to silence their political adversaries. they would be shocked when they start dropping like flies. they would be the ones constantly breaking the rules. go read the comments by nomad or domer76, calling asians gooks or women sluts and whores.

i honestly can never think of a rule a leftist jpp liberal has proposed that didn't up burning them in the end. leftists do not believe in order, or harmony, it is anathema to them.
Been listening to Peterson again?
Been listening to Peterson again?

nope I was just thinking the other day how much liberals failed at rule 12b, or fail in APP. they fail everywhere. Everytime I have talked to a conservative on this board straight up they've been super chill and accommodating. liberals always break their word and promises.
nope I was just thinking the other day how much liberals failed at rule 12b, or fail in APP. they fail everywhere. Everytime I have talked to a conservative on this board straight up they've been super chill and accommodating. liberals always break their word and promises.

You seemed to be using some of his rhetoric. Also, stop setting up your self full filling prophecy. APP is like a 3 person echo chamber. That's why it's dead as hell. APP is apropo of nothing. You are right about conservatives being accommodating. Bend over in front of one and they will accommodate you. LOL
You seemed to be using some of his rhetoric. Also, stop setting up your self full filling prophecy. APP is like a 3 person echo chamber. That's why it's dead as hell. APP is apropo of nothing. You are right about conservatives being accommodating. Bend over in front of one and they will accommodate you. LOL

i have not heard peterson say that but... I hate to break it to you mott but I am very perceptive and quite likely a genius on this stuff. I use deep level analysis everyday. it's not very groundbreaking to pontificate that liberals like disorder. they are always protesting, hate police, hate america, hate traditional values, and seek to deconstruct anything that is normal.
i have not heard peterson say that but... I hate to break it to you mott but I am very perceptive and quite likely a genius on this stuff. I use deep level analysis everyday. it's not very groundbreaking to pontificate that liberals like disorder. they are always protesting, hate police, hate america, hate traditional values, and seek to deconstruct anything that is normal.
