random thoughts on nothingness


The concept of nothingness just blows my mind .. something from nothing. Scientists are convinced that the Universe is flat and not curved as suggested by AE, and is in continual expansion.. it started with the Big Bang.. from blackness..=nothingness and expanded from there and continues to expand. I guess one has to be perfectly in tuned with the Scientific mind to comprehend the logic with this explanation of the origins of the Universe, one that Scientists have made official.
If blackness equals nothingness ... there had to be something that generated a spark... and if so...where did it come from? I guess it is the same question people have about God... if he/it exists where did he/it come from...? Where is the starting point? In Gods case people will argue that he was and always will be.. the Alpha and Omega. In the Big Bang Case... it is blackness=nothingness erupting into something.

it is truly mind blowing ....
time didn't exist before the big bang so truthfully there was no "before" Therefore the universe doesn't have to come from anything or have what you would define as a beginning, it most likely has always existed in one state.

There was no begining.
No..there was nothingness .. blackness..dark.. and from a zero point inside of 10 seconds erupted into the big bang .... another beginning of somthing else... but what sparked the beginning of that something else?
Time is a man made concept. we measure it based on the earth revolving around the sun. And the earths own revolution.

As for the concept of something from nothing. We are talking something that spewed out trillions of stars and other matter spreading out for billions of light years by our reckoning of time. And its still expanding. It took a tremendous amount of nothing to cause all of that.

But then, what if nothing is actually something.
No..there was nothingness .. blackness..dark.. and from a zero point inside of 10 seconds erupted into the big bang .... another beginning of somthing else... but what sparked the beginning of that something else?

How do you know it was ten seconds?

Time did not exist until man invented it.
Our entire known universe might be as a single atom to something else.

every generation thinks they have it figured out, but we just expand outr knowledge a bit.
The earth is the center of the universe, right ?
The world ifs flat ?
evil spirits cause illness.
Time is a man made concept. we measure it based on the earth revolving around the sun. And the earths own revolution.

As for the concept of something from nothing. We are talking something that spewed out trillions of stars and other matter spreading out for billions of light years by our reckoning of time. And its still expanding. It took a tremendous amount of nothing to cause all of that.

But then, what if nothing is actually something.

time isn't just a concept or a unit of measurment, it's an actual property of space.
No..there was nothingness .. blackness..dark.. and from a zero point inside of 10 seconds erupted into the big bang .... another beginning of somthing else... but what sparked the beginning of that something else?

no. again, there was no time, therefore, there was no before.
How do you know it was ten seconds?

Time did not exist until man invented it.

you know nothing.

Time is a property of space. Space and time are completely interlinked. It's not just a measurment. We did not invent time.
Time is just a means to our understanding things up to this point.
We may well look back on this time and realize how much we did not know or know that we did not know.
Time sure is handy to keep everything from happening all at once :)
you know nothing.

Time is a property of space. Space and time are completely interlinked. It's not just a measurment. We did not invent time.
It's probable that other universes have time-like dimensions of their own, however. There was no time before the Big Bang here, but there may have been time somewhere else.
you know nothing.

Time is a property of space. Space and time are completely interlinked. It's not just a measurment. We did not invent time.

Time does not exist without man. It is a measurement of moments. Without man to note the rotation of the planet you have no measurement of time. Just existance.
It's probable that other universes have time-like dimensions of their own, however. There was no time before the Big Bang here, but there may have been time somewhere else.

correct perhaps our big bang matter squirted thru a hole from somewhere else ?
That time and space both exist is indisputable. What we have done with respect to time is first to recognize it in our own way and then to define it in such terms as are useful to us to understand it. The definition of space differs with respect to the type of space we're defining -- e.g., concrete measurements such as feet for a room perimeter, acreage for farmland, and lightyears for interstellar distances. The latter also takes time into account. Like everything else, we define the components of our physical world so that we can understand them for our own purposes.
It's probable that other universes have time-like dimensions of their own, however. There was no time before the Big Bang here, but there may have been time somewhere else.

true, but I was speaking with the assumption that this is the only universe, for simplicity sake.
Time does not exist without man. It is a measurement of moments. Without man to note the rotation of the planet you have no measurement of time. Just existance.

You continue to demonstrate that you lack any real firm understanding of time. Time is NOT just a measurment. It is a REAL PROPERTY of SPACE.

Space and Time are LINKED.
Gaffers problem is he views time only as a measurment, which is not accurate. Time is a direct property of space, which is linked with space.
We used to have these existential conversations all the time in college. I've concluded that no one knows a d@mn thing.

Who's to say time didn't exist before the big bang here or anywhere? Its perfectly feasible that the space that we occupy now could have existed in another state for x number of years.