random thoughts on nothingness

uscitizen, would the third dimension cease to exist if all molecules stopped moving?

Do you not see how absurd that question is?

Time is its own entity. It's connected to space. Not just moving space, not just changing space, but space itself.
"with no motion , nothing ever happens.
If nothing ever happens, does time exist ?"

Something doesn't have to happen for time to exist uscitizen.
If all motion stopped, the height of a tree would still be the same. This dimension too would remain the same.
If all motion stopped, the height of a tree would still be the same. This dimension too would remain the same.
To me time is the measure for lack of a better way to say it of the changes that take place in our 3 dimensions.
Think about relativity, is motion a factor ?
with motion your PERCEPTION of time is altered. It's obvious that motion and time are related... but you are insisting that time is DEPENDANT on change, which is not the case, if anything, change is dependant on time.
besides time is now thought and considered to be a separate, 4th dimension. It is outside of our 3d existence.
To me time is the measure for lack of a better way to say it of the changes that take place in our 3 dimensions.
Think about relativity, is motion a factor ?
Not in the way you think. It is like standing on the top of a cliff as opposed to the bottom. At one place you see the cliff as a "height" measurement, at the other as a "depth" measurement. It is your perception that was altered, not the dimension.
Not true again. Perception doesn't change the existence of a dimension. That you cannot see the tree does not change its existence.
I am not just talking about the tree moving or falling as in hard matter movement. I am talking about all motion. atoms would be static, photons would not move. whatever makes gravity would not work either I expect.
If time is relative to motion, could that not be taken to one extreme and time would stop ?
Not true again. Perception doesn't change the existence of a dimension. That you cannot see the tree does not change its existence.
Perception reuires motion in whatever is doing the perception. Our brains work because of motion, light bounces off the tree and moves to our eye/brain where perception takes place. all dependent on motion in our universe.
Perception reuires motion in whatever is doing the perception. Our brains work because of motion, light bounces off the tree and moves to our eye/brain where perception takes place. all dependent on motion in our universe.
Once again, your perception does not change the existence of something. If your mind stopped moving you wouldn't be able to think, but it wouldn't change the height of a tree.

If the entire universe existed around you then lack of motion would stop time... However, you are just one part of the universe, whether you perceive it or not makes no difference to its actual existence.
If the entire universe existed around you then lack of motion would stop time.
that is my entire argument. Right too, the physical stuff would still be there but with zero motion on all levels there would be no time.
You are both wrong again, time is not dependant on change or motion. They are related but time is not dependant on them. Change is dependant on time. Not the other way around.
You are both wrong again, time is not dependant on change or motion. They are related but time is not dependant on them. Change is dependant on time. Not the other way around.
I am not wrong. I postulated a ridiculous scenario where the entire universe existed only in uscitizen's mind. That universe doesn't exist.
again though time is not dependant on motion or change damo.
I understand that, I'm on your side here.

I postulated a universe that existed only in one mind then stopped that mind... That was a ridiculous scenario postulated only to show how ridiculous it was to assume that because your perception stopped then dimensions ceased to exist.

I have been steadfast in my statement that a dimension does not stop existing because of perception, regardless of whose perception it is and that perception changes because of motion but not the dimension.