random thoughts on nothingness

lady you are right, so long as space existed before the big bang, there was time.

But before space, there was no time. Time and Space are related and tied together. Without space, there is no time.
Change isn't a necessary component of time. Time passes whether or not anything changes during any segment of time.
no. you are wrong. Time is not just a measurment. It is a structure of space, its own dimension. Even if things did not change, time would still exist.
If there is no motion at all in the universe, even down to the molecular level, EM, gravity, etc, is there time ?
explain how if everything is frozen ?
I mean everything light , radiation, molecular motion, everything.
You are continuing to view time as merely a measurment of change, that is not what time is.

The existence of time is not dependant on change or motion. It is in of itself a property of space.
First of all, again, time is not dependant on the rate of which things change, or even if things change at all.

Secondly, even if I were to agree to your scenerio, that's like asking what if our space had no distance. That's impossible because with the mere existence of space, there will be distance.

Likewise, with the existence of space, there will be time. Time is as much related to space as distance is related to space.
Time does not exist without man. It is a measurement of moments. Without man to note the rotation of the planet you have no measurement of time. Just existance.
Not true. This is like saying that height doesn't exist without man to measure it. It exists whether we measure it or not. That there may be no more intelligence to measure it won't change its existence...
A lot of stuff becomes null and void if change does not happen. Gravity does not work, light does not shine, etc....
What about an alternate universe with no motion ?
would time work the same there ?
with no motion , nothing ever happens.
If nothing ever happens, does time exist ?