Random thoughts

You haven't been to the States, have you? You're right about Flipina's. They love to pose. Beauty contests are like a national past time there and God help you if your a judge! LOL

I do not need to go to the states to know that there is a tendency for American women to be very loud, very shrill and Disney-esque.
Why oh why do American men think that a woman who sounds like Mickey Mouse is appealing??
Why do they find it necessary to jump up and down squealing like stuck pigs? Why do they finish every sentence as if it is a question? Why do they think that whoever they are talking to can make them an overnight star just for being alive? What the F is the matter with them?
(Not all, of course. I have met some reasonably nice ones.)
I do not need to go to the states to know that there is a tendency for American women to be very loud, very shrill and Disney-esque.
Why oh why do American men think that a woman who sounds like Mickey Mouse is appealing??
Why do they find it necessary to jump up and down squealing like stuck pigs? Why do they finish every sentence as if it is a question? Why do they think that whoever they are talking to can make them an overnight star just for being alive? What the F is the matter with them?
(Not all, of course. I have met some reasonably nice ones.)

Dude, You've been watching to many Hollywood films and TV. That's what bother's me about American mass media. That's how the rest of the world percieves us. Scary fucking thought and that's what I mean about you can tell you haven't been to America. Your views are like me viewing all Brits based on a stereotype of watching "Are you being served" and that the typical British woman looks and acts like the late great Mollie Sugden. Purple hair and all.
Dude, You've been watching to many Hollywood films and TV. That's what bother's me about American mass media. That's how the rest of the world percieves us. Scary fucking thought and that's what I mean about you can tell you haven't been to America. Your views are like me viewing all Brits based on a stereotype of watching "Are you being served" and that the typical British woman looks and acts like the late great Mollie Sugden. Purple hair and all.

I understand what you are saying, but that is not really what I am referring to.
Bloomberg have an anchor who shrieks like a disney stuck pig.
CNN have reporters who do the same (cant remember their names)
Another US news channel is the same. I cant remember what its called because when we heard the woman we turned off and never returned.
America's top model.
Oprah Winfrey's show.
Letterman audience.
Interviews on the streets of America.
A bunch of otherwise nice American art students on, I guess, an exchange visit high fiving and talking in questions and yelping like demented poodles in my local, oblivious to the fact that the regulars (of all ages) were fast accumulating feelings of violence and sticking their fingers in their ears.

I expect you to defend them and so you should but does it never occur to these women that they sound bloody stupid and that people like us would rather watch Eskimos marvel at snow than have our ears assailed.

But there are nice American ladies. Beautiful, intelligent American ladies who do not think there is a camera behind every pillar and who live normal, non-performing lives: just like real people! I really hope I have been unlucky. (said with a rising final tone)
I understand what you are saying, but that is not really what I am referring to.
Bloomberg have an anchor who shrieks like a disney stuck pig.
CNN have reporters who do the same (cant remember their names)
Another US news channel is the same. I cant remember what its called because when we heard the woman we turned off and never returned.
America's top model.
Oprah Winfrey's show.
Letterman audience.
Interviews on the streets of America.
A bunch of otherwise nice American art students on, I guess, an exchange visit high fiving and talking in questions and yelping like demented poodles in my local, oblivious to the fact that the regulars (of all ages) were fast accumulating feelings of violence and sticking their fingers in their ears.

I expect you to defend them and so you should but does it never occur to these women that they sound bloody stupid and that people like us would rather watch Eskimos marvel at snow than have our ears assailed.

But there are nice American ladies. Beautiful, intelligent American ladies who do not think there is a camera behind every pillar and who live normal, non-performing lives: just like real people! I really hope I have been unlucky. (said with a rising final tone)
Dude, I'm not defending them. I'm all to familiar with the short comings of American women.....I'm saying you're view based upon what you've seen on TV and your very limited exposure from abraod, is far removed from the reality. It's a big damned country. Comparing a Californian to a New Yorker is like comparing you to a Frenchmen.
Dude, I'm not defending them. I'm all to familiar with the short comings of American women.....I'm saying you're view based upon what you've seen on TV and your very limited exposure from abraod, is far removed from the reality. It's a big damned country. Comparing a Californian to a New Yorker is like comparing you to a Frenchmen.

I agree with what you say, but not all the whooping and yelping comes from California. Bloomberg is, I believe, based in New York. Miss Winfrey's audiences are not drawn from California and the students I met in my local were from Texas or the ones to who I spoke were. Interestingly they must have realised they overstepped the mark for they never returned and I know they are still here because I passed two very pretty little things as they returned home from the supermarket. Obviously looking forward to a cucumber salad!

Ah yes. The fourth of July. Is there also a three fourths of July? Is it the start of the polar bear hunting season as witnessed by this little couplet, 'Shoot not a bear/ til July is in the air'? A few piratical 'Ooh Aars' lend credence.
Ah yes. The fourth of July. Is there also a three fourths of July? Is it the start of the polar bear hunting season as witnessed by this little couplet, 'Shoot not a bear/ til July is in the air'? A few piratical 'Ooh Aars' lend credence.
I don't know about you but I prefer fried onion rings with my steak!
I purposely speed in Ohio. The cops are either afraid of me (as well they should be) or think I'm one of them.
Car wrecks are much better.
At least they are genuine in as much as they get wrecked, but surely - please, please, please - surely there are not real live American women who squeal and jump and shout and weep at the way another manages to put one foot in front of another without falling over.
Honestly I cringed. It was not funny, not clever, certainly totally devoid of talent and clearly an embarrassment. Had the over zealous programme salesman given that to OBL, the pyjama'd, bearded one would have gladly raised his hands and walked into an American gaol (oh, alright then - jail) to save the little sanity that remained within him.

My main message was to encourage everyone to see 'The Whistleblower'. Maybe it has come here late, but a real 'cracker' of a film (oh, alright then - movie).

I put The Whistleblower in my Netflix queue. It looks pretty good.

Some of us American women only jump and squeal when something really upsetting happens, for example, seeing a centipede.
Shows like Oprah have staffers in the wings holding up signs telling them when and how to react. "Scream when Brad Pitt comes on." "Clap real loud when X walks on stage." And the audience obeys. After all, the tickets were free!
Dude, I'm not defending them. I'm all to familiar with the short comings of American women.....I'm saying you're view based upon what you've seen on TV and your very limited exposure from abroad, is far removed from the reality. It's a big damned country. Comparing a Californian to a New Yorker is like comparing you to a Frenchmen.

confused, wouldn't it be he has limited exposure TO a broad?.....