Rapid Quiz for Sir Evil

Fairness and a lack of harm produced by law is more important than a lack of assumption in the consequences of the enforcement of law.
IHateGovernment said:
Fairness and a lack of harm produced by law is more important than a lack of assumption in the consequences of the enforcement of law.
Your argument has been to ignore the law rather than to rewrite the law in accordance to your view. Making it a law where specific instances could merit consideration would be fine with me. Ignoring the law without rewriting it to benefit a point of view is what I object to. Either the law applies or it does not, if it does not do what you want you should not ignore the law, you should rewrite it.
Your argument has been to ignore the law rather than to rewrite the law in accordance to your view.

Nope. Its been to broaden the considerations of the law.

Ignoring the law without rewriting it to benefit a point of view is what I object to. Either the law applies or it does not, if it does not do what you want you should not ignore the law, you should rewrite it.

Almost all the arguments I make require the change of law. This one isn't any different.
You should mention it then.

What I am against is Judges applying the law as they see fit. Or saying things like, "Awww poor kid is going to have to move!" so we should just ignore it in just this one case...

Judges are not Legislators. Just as I am against an Executive stating that they will not enforce a law Legislators wrote... It isn't their decision to choose which of the contractual social agreements we have to enforce or not to enforce unless it is a Constitutional issue where the law conflicts with the Constitution.
I did. In one of the responses to Tiana I said that I wanted to be sure that these exceptions were codified. I also suggested a constittutional amendment about becoming a citizen.
IHateGovernment said:
I did. In one of the responses to Tiana I said that I wanted to be sure that these exceptions were codified. I also suggested a constittutional amendment about becoming a citizen.
I understood and considered your argument about changes in the Constitution on citizenship and stated my objection to such a change. I don't believe it would solve even a bit of the problematic nature of anchor babies. It would just change the method of searching for sperm.
It wouldn't be completely effective however it would at least assuage concerns about pregnant mothers crossing the desert in search of a meal ticket.

No solution is without its detriments but this along with the my other suggestions covers every angle I can think of.
LadyT said:
All Icould focus in on that anecdote was the fact that our military would be letting people in without doing proper background checks and if that's the case, we've got bigger problems.

the fact is, some illegals can get fake documentation, and do serve in the military.

Would you deport a maimed iraq war vet, because they came here illegaly? You never did answer that question...........
Cypress said:
the fact is, some illegals can get fake documentation, and do serve in the military.

Would you deport a maimed iraq war vet, because they came here illegaly? You never did answer that question...........
This is actually one of the legal paths to citizenship. Many Philipino and Hispanic people take advantage of this.
Damocles said:
This is actually one of the legal paths to citizenship. Many Philipino and Hispanic people take advantage of this.

Good. So its not a black and white issue. They "all" shouldn't simply be deported ad hoc. There has to be flexibility and grey areas in the law.
Would you deport a maimed iraq war vet, because they came here illegaly?

Who informed you that illegals can join the military? I can assure you, this doesn't happen.
Dixie said:
Would you deport a maimed iraq war vet, because they came here illegaly?

Who informed you that illegals can join the military? I can assure you, this doesn't happen.

Never said the could join legally.

They can't cross the border legally either. but they do.
Cypress said:
Never said the could join legally.

They can't cross the border legally either. but they do.

I would surmise, the extensive criminal background checks and routine verification for anyone joining the armed forces, would eliminate any such recruit, if it doesn't, we need to look at how we vett our soldiers. You are construcing a red herring, and anyone with half a brain, can figure that out. Unfortunately, there are a number of people in America, with only 49.9% of their brain functioning properly these days.
Cypress said:
However illegal immigration should not be tolerated. As soon as it is discovered that a person is here illegally they must be deported. I am open to having an entirely open border if we cut back on entitlement programs they would be able to take advantage of.

Just curious: what would you do with an illegal immigrant who has been here 20 years, and has children who are american citizens?

Kick him out.
Cypress said:
the fact is, some illegals can get fake documentation, and do serve in the military.

Would you deport a maimed iraq war vet, because they came here illegaly? You never did answer that question...........

If they knowingly decieved the gov't yes. If they didn't know because perhaps their parents gave them fake documents that they always thought were theirs no. I do think there are some grey areas, but I wouldn't leave it open to people that knowingly decieve.