Rapid Quiz for Sir Evil

Dixie said:
Medicine is a concept as well. If I want to boil newt eyes and lizard tails, and call myself a doctor, I can! The government can't stop me from saying I am a doctor, or tell me that I am not practicing medicine. However, the government does licence doctors, and certain criteria have to be met to obtain that licence. It doesn't mater how much I want to be a doctor, or wish the world would see my voodoo techniques as legitimate medicine, there are rules and guidelines to follow, if I want a licence from the state. Sure, we can change the definition of "medical doctor" to include me, it doesn't change the relationship between you and your doctor, no one is forcing you to allow me to be your doctor, it's not harming you in any way. Still, the sanctioning by government carries responsibility to society, and parameters have been established in that regard.

Recucto ad absurdum...

Being a doctor has absolutely nothing with marriage, and equating the two is ridiculous. Of course, I know you aren't going to listen to anything as pussy as REASON, but I think I should at least make my voice known.
Actually I am going to do this too, sounds fun.

1. Abortion

Early term abortions I don't have a problem with. I would ban partial birth under all circumstances except life of mother. 2nd terms are kind of iffy but at the end of the day I can't be bothered to care anymore.. go ahead kill babies..

2. Immigration

Legal Immigration is always fine. But we should mine the borders, and possibly shoot to kill anyone crossing. 1 year vacating period should be offered to all current illegal residents, after that year they can be shot on sight.

3. Iraq War

Was for it initially when I believed that Iraq could present a threat. Never for nationbuilding. Should have left a lonnnng ass time ago. We are wasting our time over there for no good reason.

4. Drug War

End it.

5. Death Penalty

For it when it's clearly demonstrated that the killer committed the crime (video footage, etc) Won't cry though when other murderes are being put to death. Goodbye tookie, you wont be missed, scumbag.

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)

Hate taxes. Ultimately, in a perfect world, there should be none at all. Rationally, I would at least like to see the income tax abolished, and replace that with a flat tax for the time being. Maybe even a negative income tax. No social programs, no subsidizes.

7. Universal Health Care

Can't afford healthcare? Too bad, have fun dying. Not my problem. You dont' have a right to my money.

8. Global Warming

Our children can figure it out along with flying cars. Overhyped hysteria that the left often claims the right fallls victim to with regards to terrorism. Ok, so some of florida's swampland goes under..... it's not going to happen over night, it's going to be gradual, people will be able to move. The earth constantly changes. With or without human intervention. Get over it.

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture

Torture is acceptable to be used on enemies of the united states if we believe there is a good reason for it.

That said, having dogs bark loudly, putting people on leashes, or getting a strip dance from a female soldier, is NOT TORTURE.

10. Gay Marriage

Get married. Massachusetts hasn't fallen into doom. Marriage isn't sacred anymore...our sacred sacrement has a 50% divorce rate, people get drunk and get married in vegas every weekend. Move on.

you don't remember what you have said do you
you don't remember what you have said do you

what do you mean I don't remember? I still say the vast majority of the above on a daily basis. I've changed my view on parts of 2, 8, and prob 9 now as well. But 70% of the shit I said up there is the stuff I still say to this day. You are SO DUMB desh.
Yeah you guys hate it when you have to face what you said in the past.

grind makes it as hard as he can for people to go find his old posts for the same reason super duper posts very little these days
i don't hate it at all.

it's not hard to find my posts. you've been spamming them all day. all you have to do is type in my current username you dolt.
Hey evil, sorry I gotta have fun with this, we don't get a lot of new people. I am just trying to get a snapshot of ya. If you wouldn't mind... perhaps you could give your opinions on the following?

1. Abortion

should be illegal on all counts

2. Immigration

legal only, end all benefits to illegal aliens, imprison ANY employer who hires an illegal alien and fine them $100,000 per illegal alien. Problem solved. They will flood back to where they came from

3. Iraq War

was initially for it, have had a change of opinion

4. Drug War

Drug war is stupid. Don't have a problem with drugs being illegal

5. Death Penalty

For it in all circumstances

6. Taxes (death tax, income tax)

any tax on income is immoral, I support excise taxes and consumption taxes. They are the fairest of all.

7. Universal Health Care

The term is a misnomer, but if you mean the liberal version of socialized medicine then I oppose it with every fiber of my being. That does not mean I think people should not have healthcare.

8. Global Warming

man made global warming is one of the biggest shams ever perpetrated on man kind. It is a hoax and should be treated as such

9. Abu Gharib and using Torture

I oppose torture. What happened at Abu Ghraib was not torture. Water boarding is not torture. I don't care what McShamnesty says

10. Gay Marriage

Marriage is between a man and a woman. You can't just arbitrarily change the definitions of words to suit some pet cause. it is like saying a tree is now a street. Call it Garriage.

Thanks :)

You are welcome